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His WORD -- HIS TRUE GOSPEL -- and to give this dying world gospel
"meat in due season!" The MOST IMPORTANT SEASON of all is right
NOW -- and these next 4 1/2 years, or whatever time is left, JUST
BEFORE Christ's coming!
The closer we get to THE HOUR of His coming, the MORE IMPORTANT
it is that we feed this spiritually starved world Christ's MEAT IN
The Living HEAD of THIS WORK, Jesus Christ, says to us:
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not
the Son of man cometh. WHO, then, is a faithful and wise servant,
whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat
in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when He
cometh shall find so doing!" (Mat. 24: 44-46.)
Will He find YOU "so doing"?
Or will He find us saying, "Well Lord, I thought there was so
little time left we didn't need to keep right on in your Work. I
thought it was now so late, we might as well lay down on the job,
give up and QUIT!"
No Time Now to Quit
Co-Workers, I'd be afraid to have Him find ME laying down on
the job, making the wretched excuse I thought there was too little
time left!
Brethren, if God allows me to live right up to His coming, He
is going to find me so DOING!
If we knew Christ should come TOMORROW, and we needed a new
building for His Work, and today was the day to start building it,
I would break ground and start that new building on its way TODAY!
And I would be busy building it tomorrow as I would be caught up to
meet Him!
Local Church Attendance
Not Enough
Today Satan is going about, seeking whom he may overthrow and
devour. Satan would like to devour YOU, as one individual member
of the Body of Christ! He will do everything in his power to cause
you to lose out!
Satan is clever -- subtle. He has alienated the world as a
whole from Christ by DECEPTION! He has this whole world
But he knows he can't deceive you and me -- once we really
understand and know the TRUTH! So he tries to overthrow us by
One of his snares he sets for you is to get you all wrapped up
in just your local activities!
Headquarters seems so far away. After all, isn't that just Mr.
Armstrong's work?
Answer: NO! It is not just my work -- it is GOD'S WORK, into
which He has called YOU as well as me! I have told you many times
that all I could do by myself was hitchhike out to a country one-
room schoolhouse and preach to 40 people. It is what YOU
Co-Workers do, with your prayers, your tithes and offerings, and
your interest in GOD's WORK AT HEADQUARTERS that makes it possible
now for Garner Ted Armstrong and me to preach to more than FORTY
MILLION PEOPLE every week, all over the whole earth!
And I repeat again: In 33 1/2 years of this Work, I have