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Ted Armstrong -- and our technical production crew -- the
experience they need to produce programs of a quality that the
VHF stations will accept. The transition from radio to T.V.
requires some very difficult adjusting, and takes time.
But I can tell you this: My son is making splendid progress,
and when you do see him on T.V. all over the country, the program
will be one of the highest rated in its category. And I think
you'll see that Garner Ted Armstrong is a more effective speaker on
television than the leading network newscasters.
Only TWO So Far
Some of our Co-Workers seem to have the idea that we are
building all sorts of new buildings. That is not true.
In the TWENTY YEARS since Ambassador College was founded, we
have built on the Pasadena campus ONLY TWO NEW BUILDINGS -- the
Physical Education facility and the Student Center building.
Except for those, we have had to get along in a makeshift manner
with the old buildings, constructed between the 90's and 1908.
Time Too Short?
Another point some need to be straightened out on is WHY we
need new buildings, with TIME so short.
Some WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND are saying, "Well, if we have only
about four and a half more years to go, why build any more new
Well LISTEN! It's time for us to UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH!
First, we cannot be SURE of only 4 1/2 more years. We cannot
set dates and be SURE! We think that probably that is all the time
we have left.
that is all we have -- THAN IN THE PAST 33 1/2 YEARS SINCE THIS
WORK STARTED! And that is now possible because there are more of
us -- bigger organization -- now.
We CANNOT expand the Work as it MUST expand to fulfill our
great commission UNLESS we can construct more buildings QUICKLY!
This great Work of God MUST grow to TWICE the size it now is,
in the next 2 3/4 years. By the end of 4 1/2 years IT MUST BECOME
ALMOST FOUR TIMES its present size!
THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE IF we are to lay down on the job now. This
Work cannot grow ANY bigger, without more buildings. We have gone
as far as we can go with what we have!
What Will Christ Say to You?
What is the living glorified CHRIST going to say to YOU, when
He comes to call YOU to account -- and you have to FACE HIM? Is He
going to ask YOU, "Why did you QUIT, right at the most important
time of all? WHY did you LAY DOWN ON THE JOB, give up and quit
just when the race was almost run?" (I Cor. 9:24 and Heb. 12:1 --
please read.)
What would you think of a man in a mile race who was running so
well he was just about to WIN the race and set a new world record
-- and then, half way through the "gun lap" (the last lap), he just
quit running and sat down to rest and say, "Ho Hum!"
Jesus Christ has called and commissioned YOU AND ME to PREACH