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And now, finally, here is ONE IMPORTANT WAY in which God's
Church has been FALLING DOWN ON THE JOB!
You all KNOW WELL that this great WORK never was able to
grow UNTIL God raised up Ambassador College, to train consecrated
and called ministers to HELP.
The Work was little. The Church, when the college started,
consisted of about 30 members at Eugene, Oregon, and some 18 or so
at Portland. TODAY it is more than 40,000--or, as most Protestant
denominations would count members, about 250,000! (Counting all
Co-Workers and their families, children, etc.) Then we were on
five or six radio stations--today 304 stations, including MANY of
the greatest PRESTIGE SUPER-POWER stations of the world--and the
greatest of all now opening its doors!
You KNOW WELL that the WORK of this Church cannot grow
UNLESS THE COLLEGES GROW. And the colleges cannot grow unless we
build more buildings for students to sleep in, eat in, study in,
and go to class in--and unless there are buildings and offices for
the large and growing STAFF to receive the MAIL, answer it, print
the magazines, mail out the literature.
You can REALIZE how great STATE UNIVERSITIES need great new
buildings by the hundreds to teach students EVOLUTION, ATHEISM,
false knowledge. But some of you can't understand why GOD'S
COLLEGES ought to have facilities in which to do GOD'S WORK!
Brethren, with some of you, GOD IS ASHAMED! I am speaking PLAINLY
this time! If your feelings get hurt, you don't belong in God's
Church--unless or until you CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE AND REPENT!
You KNOW that we are on a SEVEN YEAR (or longer) building
program, that began less than four years ago, and has three or more
years yet to go. And yet YOU BRETHREN, who call yourselves GOD'S
PEOPLE, have dwindled down to about HALF the amount of SPECIAL
OFFERINGS for the BUILDING FUND you were sending in a year ago--
though there are 30% more of us!
THINK OF IT! How ASHAMED God must be with this, His
Church! There are about 30% more of us than a year ago! Yet we
are FORSAKING God's program which the living CHRIST--the HEAD of
our Church--is planning through us whom HE has chosen and placed in
executive position directly UNDER HIM!
That is as much a NECESSARY PART of GOD'S WORK--His GOSPEL
WORK--of getting His Gospel to the WORLD--as more radio stations,
or going on television.
Right now God is OPENING TREMENDOUS new doors I hope in a
matter of DAYS to be able to announce! I tell you, for those of us
should have thought it IMPOSSIBLE. God is actually moving a number
of national GOVERNMENTS to seek us out and offer us staggering,
amazing, breathtaking FACILITIES! Six weeks ago I would have
laughed at such a suggestion as IMPOSSIBLE! But ALL THINGS are
possible with our miracle-working GOD!