These new doors are going to rapidly INCREASE the requests
for The PLAIN TRUTH--for new BOOKLETS--for personal replies and
answers. Our mail will soon skyrocket upward. WE ABSOLUTELY
CANNOT HANDLE IT, unless we accept larger enrollments of students
this fall! We MUST HAVE MORE TRAINED PERSONNEL! We cannot accept
more students until we can build more buildings for them to WORK
in, STUDY in, go to CLASS in, LIVE in, EAT in.
Can you Brethren see that this BUILDING PROGRAM into which
CHRIST has led us must precede walking through the new DOORS He is
opening before us?
We have FALLEN SHORT in two ways: 1) We have lagged
spiritually--we have bogged down--we have gotten our minds and
and taken them more and more OFF OF God's great and glorious WORK!
God's WIFE--His CHURCH--has allowed spiritual PUTRIDNESS to
accumulate within this BODY OF CHRIST! God have mercy on us and
CLEANSE US of THIS SIN! 2) We have grown careless, and LET DOWN
on Christ's vitally-important BUILDING program. This, too, is
clogging up, slowing down, tending to STOP THE WORK!
And WHY?
I know well enough why! Let me hasten to say I realize the
many NEW members may not have KNOWN about this dire need--because
I have not gotten out much about it in any of the letters. But you
who were sending in almost DOUBLE the present amount a year ago--
YOU knew about it! Also I hasten to add that SOME of you--perhaps
HALF--have remained FAITHFUL. Many of you have continued sending
in these EXTRA, special, additional offerings for the BUILDING
fund. It is the OTHER HALF who have lagged, or LAIN DOWN ON THE
JOB and QUIT, who have caused this serious emergency.
Unless the total income for the Work continues, year by
year, to INCREASE by 30%--or, a little more precisely 27.7%--per
must be taken to a PLACE OF SAFETY!
So now LISTEN! Listen carefully! For the month of
February, just ended, our gain was only about 12.5%. LESS THAN
HALF the needed gain! Do you know WHY? Primarily because the
PROPERTY FUND--or BUILDING FUND, as perhaps we ought to call
it--has had NO increase, but a great big DECREASE. The income
of tithes and offerings increased 28.2%. That is satisfactory.
But the OTHER INCOME--a very large PART of the TOTAL income to
finance this Work--actually DECREASED!
I want you to realize just how serious this is!
So WHY? WHY have so many of you let down?
Well, perhaps you'll say it is my fault. I have been so
burdened down with other duties that have so filled my time that I
was not able to get around to sending you a letter to JOG YOU
UP--to URGE YOU ON--to PROD you, to PUSH you into doing it! I