And if THAT doesn't make your ears tingle, and AWAKEN you,
then Jesus Christ says to YOU through me, YOU are in danger of the
Lake of FIRE!
God's people must be on the GIVING side--not the GETTING!
Unless you are, with a whole heart, you ought to GET OUT of God's
Church, for you are a hindrance and a liability!
Did you ever read of Gideon's experience in choosing men
for battle? There were 32,000 men. There are about 32,000 actual
BAPTIZED adult members (or professing members) in the Church of God
today! God had Gideon proclaim to them: "Whoever is fearful and
afraid, let him return and depart early from Mount Gilead. And
there returned of the people 22,000; and there remained 10,000."
Then God put them to a TEST, and, finally, ONLY 300 out of that
32,000 were chosen by the living ETERNAL!
Oh BRETHREN! MUST it be that way with God's CHURCH
today--the very BODY of the living CHRIST? The very BRIDE of
Christ--already His Wife, and to be again MARRIED to Him at His
second coming? Is JESUS CHRIST going through a spiritual TRAUMA,
as I have a physical and mental one, because HIS WIFE is all
plugged up with SPIRITUAL FILTH? Is HE weeping spiritual tears
over YOU?
I call on all members to SEARCH YOUR HEARTS! Will YOU
follow my example???
Now Brethren, before I close, I said this great Work is
right on the door-step of TREMENDOUS THINGS! I hope that, any day
now, I may be able to make the most SENSATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT since
this Work began.
Yes, MORE than one--TREMENDOUS announcements. I cannot,
even to the Church membership, tell you what it is until contracts
are signed--otherwise it would tip off the hand of enemies.
One thing I CAN say now--my son Garner Ted Armstrong is
now being TELEVISED daily, as he puts on the daily broadcast--just
by our own closed-circuit television here within the library
building where our radio studio is located. We are now placing
orders for at least two fully professional T.V. cameras. When they
arrive, we will begin producing programs TO BE PUT ON THE AIR. We
are working closely with a local television station--a small UHF
station--not a big listening audience--but it will be a START--to
help us "get our feet wet" in it, as it were. Then, SOON, The WORLD
TOMORROW will start to GROW from one to more and more stations on
T.V., across the United States--and then, wherever we may be able
to have the program accepted--around the world!
But I have an even BIGGER announcement--as soon as it is
official so I am free to announce it!
But GOD'S CHURCH has not been filled with the SPIRITUAL
POWER and VITALITY of God's HOLY SPIRIT to the full extent we NEED
to be to respond to what God is now opening up before us. It is
B I G ! It is a TREMENDOUS increase in the POWER of this Work.