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LOVE--this OUTGOING CONCERN--for others in the Church? "By this,"
said Jesus, "shall all men KNOW that ye are my disciples--IF ye
have LOVE one for another."
REMEMBER these women, so necessary to the ministry of
their husbands, as well as Mrs. Armstrong!
Brethren, my wife and I are, as most of you know, past 70.
But WE ARE NOT "OLD PEOPLE!" We are more like middle age or
younger. We don't act or think like "OLD folks." God can RENEW
OUR YOUTH--(see Isaiah 40:28-31). Read it! The first part of this
wonderful chapter refers DIRECTLY as a prophecy for THIS WORK. And
in it is a prophecy NOW BEING FULFILLED!
Brethren, I am terribly DISTRESSED and sick at heart at
the reports from all over, that MANY of our members are LUKEWARM,
or entirely LETHARGIC, spiritually. If YOU are one of those, I
have to warn you--you may not be on the way to God's Kingdom--but
on the way to your END in the LAKE OF FIRE!
Reports come to me of MANY of you, who are like some
described in Daniel's prophecy of the 11th chapter of Daniel.
Speaking of God's CHURCH, this was FORETOLD: ". . . but many shall
cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding
shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even
to the TIME OF THE END." (Verses 34-35). That is a prophecy for
this Church, NOW!
Reports indicate that many have "come in" to God's Church
in this manner: They have come to really SEE and KNOW that this is,
truly, GOD'S Church. They know there is terrible WORLD TROUBLE
just ahead. They have heard how God's Church is to be taken to a
PLACE OF SAFETY. (And HOW God is working that out is a PART of the
sensational ANNOUNCEMENT I hope very soon to announce!) So these
people come in, selfishly, for a sort of spiritual and physical
SECURITY--to assure PROTECTION when the Great Tribulation bursts
upon the world! But they are NOT themselves "on fire for GOD!"
They are spiritual DRONES! And God will not give them protection!
Many professing to be Church MEMBERS say, when a Co-Worker
letter arrives, in a grumbling, complaining disgust: "Oh, that's
another of Mr. Armstrong's REQUESTS for MONEY," and many don't even
read the letter!
Are YOU one of those? If so, LET ME BURN YOUR EARS before
the Almighty GOD burns YOU in the Lake of FIRE! If that has been
YOUR attitude--if YOU are only on the GETTING side, and SHUN
helping, and giving to the cause of GOD, then I say to you ON
change that hostile, despicable, detestable attitude, you DO NOT
BELONG in GOD'S CHURCH! You are some of the ROTTEN, PUTRID,
BODY OF CHRIST'S WIFE, just as physical waste is plugged up in my
dear wife's body! And the living Jesus is just as able to EXPEL
YOU from the spiritual Body of HIS WIFE as He is to expel this
physical waste from my wife's body!