division of the Work here at Pasadena. It occurs to me that this
report might be an eye-opener to you. Perhaps you did not realize
the magnitude of this important phase of God's Work. It prints and
mails out The PLAIN TRUTH, the Correspondence Course, the special
books and booklets which we offer FREE.
Just the PAPER ALONE used in our Pasadena plant in one year
would completely fill the largest freight train that can be
assembled--a WHOLE TRAIN, of 125 full-size (U.S. size) freight
FREIGHT CARS! I will quote below Mr. Hill's Progress Report to his
A Progress Report, by David Jon Hill
"In a sense the Work of God walks on two legs: RADIO and
PRESS! We comprise the PRESS leg! We are composed of 67 people
full-time and 32 students part-time (they are people too!) for a
total of 99!
"I'd like to tell you a little about this last year, and point
to the anticipated future growth, effort and production that will
be expected of us in this vital segment of God's Work in carrying
out the giant commission God has given us in this End Time.
"PRODUCTION: 18,480,025 finished pieces of literature were
produced in 1966, ranging from business cards for the ministers,
through The PLAIN TRUTH. Each piece cost us an average of just
under 10 cents. Total impressions made by the presses: 50,630,510!
Our fellow pressmen overseas in England and Australia are producing
equally on a proportionate scale. Though I do not have a report
similar to this from them, I'm sure that combined with them (and
not leaving out Mr. Stewart and his outfit in Texas!) Ambassador
College Press around the world produces more than two million
pieces of literature per month!
"Thousands of hours of overtime have been required--and
willingly given, for which I want to express a deep appreciation.
Bobtail shifts and Sunday work have been more the rule than the
exception. We are now to a point where this will be less of a
demand, we have more employees to share the load, you are all
learning to do a better and more efficient job. But knowing God's
Work as I do from nearly 16 years of experience, and hearing what
I do in the Ministers' Conference about plans for booklets, going
into ads in magazines and newspapers, and the prospect of TV closer
than ever--and especially hearing Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong telling
us we are going to have to accomplish more in the next two years
than we have in the Past 33!!!!! I realize this is just the lull
before the storm! So brace yourself for more work than ever!
"ABOUT SALARIES: Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has recently
commented to me and Mr. Justus (Plant Manager) that he wants to be
sure our people in the press are adequately paid--he's concerned in
a special way about you because of his intimate, nearly daily