contact with some form of writing that is our job to print. Mr.
Justus and I have spent many a long hour going over salaries,
praying about it individually, trying to conform, as God would want
us to, to the austerity years; yet being sure no one is suffering
any hardship, being sure you were being paid adequately for what
you are doing, for your improvement, attitude, effort, production.
"Most of you came to work with little or no actual experience
in the printing trade--the notable exceptions are as obvious to you
as they are to me: Mr. Justus, Mr. Merk, Mr. Louter, Mr. Schoon,
Mr. Winger, Mr. Caradonna, and several you see they are
in a supervisory capacity because of this experience. Their pay in
each case reflects these qualifications. Maybe they (and you)
could make more in the world, what with union wages (don't forget
the dues, the social security, the insurance and retirement
deductions) and the ridiculous way in which the world looks at
overtime. On the other hand (completely aside from the fact they
(and you) are all in a vital part of God's Work) work in the world
is not always as steady, not to mention the atmosphere of carnal
swill in which most printers are forced to work, the air festered
with curse words and polluted with smoke! So far I haven't had any
offers of a resignation from any of these men!!!
"We're all part of the greatest Work in this age! Let's
continue and improve on the attitude and effort shown last
year--and especially remember we are only one part of a giant
organization which must continually have the cooperation of every
member to carry out its job. One of the greatest strides made this
last year has been the cooperation between us and other departments
of God's Work...let's keep that up so we will be sure to continue
to be that press leg, a hard-working, driving part that helps
motivate the body to which Jesus Christ will say at His Return,
'Well done, thou good and faithful servant!'"
Isn't it a blessing to know that The PLAIN TRUTH, and all
the literature sent out by God's Work, is not only written by
converted men called and chosen by the living Christ, but EVERY
employee in this Publishing Division is a converted, dedicated true
Christian. There is no smoking, no swearing in any of the
buildings that make up this division of God's Work. The PLAIN
TRUTH is printed in a CLEAN plant by conscientious, dedicated
people! And they all help with this Work, not only by their labor,
but with their earnest PRAYERS, and their tithes and offerings.
All told, God's Work today employs many hundreds of people in all
its divisions and offices around the world--and all are real
dedicated Christian people!
Now, of course it does cost large sums of money to publish
almost A MILLION copies of The PLAIN TRUTH (read by two-and-a-half
or three million people) every month--even though we now do it for
some $20,000 LESS than if we hired a commercial profit-making plant
to do it. It does cost huge sums to purchase radio time on the
world's most powerful prestige stations--45 MILLION watts of radio
power per week--to preach Christ's Gospel to more than 45 MILLION
PEOPLE in four languages on all the continents around the earth!
All this is possible because, 33 years ago, a little