AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, training many hundreds of outstanding,
intelligent, dedicated, students being prepared for DOUBLING and
QUADRUPLING even the present giant size of this Work.
I wanted you to know HOW MUCH your PRAYERS, and YOUR
financial support is ACCOMPLISHING. THOUSANDS of precious lives
were converted and baptized through this Work, and by our ministers
in just this last year alone--yes, THOUSANDS! THAT is what YOUR
SUPPORT--YOUR PART IN GOD'S WORK--is doing. Doesn't it make your
heart LEAP for JOY? Doesn't it give you a happy, joyful THRILL?
When you realize that every year, now, THOUSANDS of
precious lives are being converted, personally counseled with by
our own trained and ordained ministers IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD,
and baptized by them; when you realize that this mighty Work of God
is proclaiming Christ's Gospel (not MEN'S gospel about Christ) to
more than FORTY-FIVE MILLION people by radio, in four languages,
EVERY WEEK; when you realize we publish and mail out almost A
MILLION COPIES of The PLAIN TRUTH every month; when you add to that
three college campuses housing and feeding several hundred high-
caliber dedicated students, being trained for full-time important
offices in this great Work--well, you must realize that the living
Christ has built for this Work a very large ORGANIZATION for
carrying it on.
One of the most important phases of this Work is the
PUBLISHING DIVISION. By developing our own printing plants, we
have saved the Work close to $20,000 per month. Formerly we had to
hire the largest commercial printing plant on the West Coast of the
United States to print The PLAIN TRUTH and much other literature.
This huge plant also prints the West Coast editions of LIFE, TIME,
and NEWSWEEK. Although they were able to print The PLAIN TRUTH for
less money than a smaller printing plant would have charged, yet by
installing our own giant presses we are able to print it for
approximately $20,000 LESS per month than they would have to charge
for our present mass circulation.
Our own printing plant in Pasadena is now one of the four
or five largest printing plants in the western part of the United
States. We have the huge web-fed four-color press, another large
sheet-fed four-color press, a large two-color sheet-fed press,
beside about six smaller presses. Then there are giant folding
machines, the big collator, and the amazing addressing machines
that stick the name and address stickers on thousands of magazines
per hour.
There is, beside, the Art Department, the darkrooms, the
plate-making equipment, the big Intertype machines setting the
type, a large composing room, a marvelous color-separator, and a
large separate building housing the book bindery. That is in the
Pasadena plant. Then, at North Sydney, Australia, and at Watford,
England, we have two other good-sized printing plants with both
two-color and four-color presses.
I have just received a Progress Report from the Director of
our Publishing Division on the Pasadena campus, Mr. David Jon Hill.
It was written primarily for the employees of this important