they now were interested Co-Workers--and, when funds were needed,
ASKING THEM for financial help.
NO ONE is ever asked to become a Co-Worker. NO ONE is
ever solicited for contributions--unless or until he or she has
voluntarily become a Co-Worker by putting money into this Work
twice within six months. Of the vast family who read The PLAIN
TRUTH, only about one out of 32 has ever sent, or been asked to
send any money for the support of this world-wide Work of God.
And, of course, NONE of the many other MILLIONS who listen to The
WORLD TOMORROW every week, has ever sent us, or been asked to send,
a single penny for the support of this Work. HOW can SO MUCH be
accomplished--be GIVEN--on so little? The living CHRIST heads and
directs this Work--has given us, His instruments, the "KNOW-HOW" to
make every dollar go the farthest. And I know of no operation of
any kind where every single dollar accomplishes so much good!
Through the years, our faith has been severely tried! God
has supplied our NEEDS--but He never supplies human "wants"--only
the bare needs! Right now we are again coming to that time of year
when our faith is specially tried--when even many Co-Workers seem
to forget CHRIST and the need of His Work--spending all their money
EXCHANGING GIFTS with friends, relatives, etc. Of course, they
have supposed they are following example of the wise men who gave
gifts to the Christ-child. Perhaps few realize that they did not
give those gifts on His birth-day, but a considerable time later
--and NOT as a "birthday present"--but because it was Eastern
custom to present a gift when visiting an important personage. And
they gave their gifts to CHRIST--not to each other!
But what I REALLY want to offer you is a brand-new booklet
just now going to press--"THE WONDERFUL WORLD TOMORROW--What It
Will Be Like." Actually, it is the very PICTURE of the Gospel
itself--the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD ruling ALL NATIONS. It
shows vividly, strikingly, accurately according to prophecy, WHAT
this earth will be like WHEN Christ returns to actually set up the
Kingdom of God.
This booklet is accurately based on God's own prophecies,
becoming rich, tillable soil. Abundant food for ALL--even the
populous nations where millions now are starving! A world filled
with great wealth--gold, silver, diamonds! Sickness and disease
being replaced by robust, vigorous HEALTH! NO MORE WARS! The
POPULATION EXPLOSION solved! Crime wiped out! Ignorance and
illiteracy over much of today's world replaced by RIGHT EDUCATION!
Everyone filled with HOPE, ambition, enthusiasm! The whole world
speaking ONE LANGUAGE! You'll see described and pictured the new
monetary system, the new world government, the new system of
education. Only ONE TRUE RELIGION. with Jesus Christ here IN
PERSON, in all the splendor, the POWER, and the GLORY of the
Creator GOD! Abraham, Moses, King David--Elijah, Daniel, Samuel
--Peter and the original apostles--and the Apostle Paul--yes,
they'll be there, ALIVE, resurrected, immortal! You'll read of
what they will be DOING!
Today we read nothing but BAD NEWS, it seems, in our