There were also superb horse stables, a cow barn, and an
outmoded electric plant, beside surrounding fields, acquired at low
cost. The horse stables and cow barns and electric-plant buildings
have all been converted into dormitories, administration offices,
dining hall, etc.
This gives you an idea of HOW these superb, beautiful,
magnificently landscaped campuses, with their fine and stately
buildings, came to us. They came, NOT through any "wealth" which
we did not have, but through the providential BLESSINGS of the
Eternal GOD, whose Work this is!
But they did set the standard of quality, culture and
character, which we know is GOD'S WAY, and which we diligently work
to maintain! But the PRINCIPAL beauty on these campuses is the
fine spiritual and moral CHARACTER being built into these fine
young men and women students, preparing for lives of service in
this great Work! That is a rarity, these days!
Just as Jesus Christ joined NONE of the sects or religious
denominations more than 1939 years ago, so this, HIS WORK today, is
NON-denominational. It is, simply, the WORK OF GOD, carrying out
CHRIST'S COMMISSION, preaching HIS Gospel straight from the
shoulder, without fear or favor, not to please men but to please
GOD--not by the will of men or by the sponsorship of any
organization, but in THE POWER OF GOD!
We have looked to God for financial needs. GOD'S WORK is
conducted GOD'S WAY. Therefore we cannot beg or solicit the public
for money. We cannot put a price on the Gospel, or any Gospel
literature. God's Word says: "Buy the Truth and sell it NOT."
(Prov. 24:6.) But, according to Biblical example, we do remind
those who voluntarily become Co-Workers with Christ, and with us in
this Work, of the financial need and of the obligation Christ
places on them in regard to tithes and offerings for His Work, even
as Moses did, and as Paul did.
At first, this request went out only to the little handful
of brethren in Oregon whom we knew personally to be children of
God. But as the Work grew, we found that a small portion of those
who requested The PLAIN TRUTH or other free literature did
voluntarily begin to send in contributions, unsolicited.
HOW, from then on, could I know who, of those on our
mailing list, were God's people? Jesus Christ said that where
one's treasure is, there will his heart be also. Therefore I was
safe in assuming that when one had voluntarily, without
solicitation, put contributions into the Work of God at least twice
within six months, that person's heart was in the Work of Christ's
Therefore I began to send to such people a letter
explaining this, and telling them that I was placing their names on
a special mailing list of Co-Workers, to receive a special monthly
letter from me, telling them of the progress of the Work in which