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newspapers. Along with this startling NEW booklet--NEVER BEFORE
OFFERED--we will include an actual NEWSPAPER--printed by us, of
course--dated some 20 years from now, showing according to the SURE
WORD OF PROPHECY, what kind of NEWS you will be reading, then!
THINK OF IT! ALL GOOD NEWS! The world at PEACE, at last! The
Kingdom of God, with the returned, glorified, ALL-POWERFUL CHRIST
as the KING of kings and LORD of lords--ruling all nations!
Happiness, prosperity, vigorous good health beginning to grip the
earth. But I mustn't tell you more, now. I want you to READ IT!
It is EXCITING--Thrilling--and it is ABSOLUTELY TRUE, and SURE!
I'm sure there has never been any book like it.
It's not a big, hard cover, expensive book, of course--we
can't afford that--but it is a reasonably large, well-illustrated,
attractively printed booklet. It's FREE. NO PRICE on it! Nor is
this explanation of HOW God's Work started, grew, and is financed,
to be construed in any way as a request for money or
contributions! IT IS NOT, please believe me! But we receive SO
MANY letters asking HOW this Work is financed, I feel our readers
are entitled to the frank, straight-forward and truthful ANSWER.
Let me close by saying candidly and sincerely, I want NO ONE to
feel "obligated," or that anything is "expected" from those who
listen to The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast, or receive no-cost
literature from us. When we say "FREE"--we MEAN "FREE"! Christ
said it is more blessed to GIVE than to receive! WE BELIEVE
CHRIST! We have learned the joy of GIVING and we are happy to GIVE
these good things to you! That isn't this world's way, I know!
Before closing this letter, I must answer another very
important question. Many have noticed recently that The PLAIN
TRUTH is published by, and The WORLD TOMORROW is sponsored by,
Ambassador College, while formerly it was the Radio Church of God.
This is done IN THE INTERESTS OF GOD'S WORK. First, the Gospel
CHRIST commissioned us to preach is, in fact, an EDUCATIONAL
Message. Second, most high-prestige, super-power radio stations
refuse to accept religious programs from church sponsorship.
Third, we reach perhaps TEN TIMES more listeners with The WORLD
TOMORROW with CHRIST'S OWN MESSAGE delivered, however, in modern
language as an educational program than we could if we followed the
pattern of religious broadcasts. So, the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD had
delegated the broadcasting and publishing phases of God's great
Work to Ambassador College in the interests of more efficiency, and
far bigger results. Actually, the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD is still
back of it, because it is back of the colleges. God has shown us
how to make every dollar in His Work ACCOMPLISH THE MOST!
So I close hoping you'll give me the JOY of sending you the
FREE copy of this booklet I have reserved FOR YOU. And again
THANKING YOU sincerely, with gratitude, for your interest in the
good things of God! For your convenience in ordering your free
booklet, an order card and self-addressed return envelope is
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong