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slave, but you do
to have a
The late Henry
Kaiser was an ex–
tremely successful and wealthy man -
the leading figure in at least sixty dif–
ferent companies. Referring to his suc–
cess techniques, an article in
stated: "Henry Kaiser is one of
the most time-conscious people in the
world. Even the five hours he aJiots
himself for sleep are productive. This is
what he calls his 'idea period,' and he
always has a pad and pencil next to his
To be truly successful in every area of
Jife, you will learn - as other success–
ful people by the millions have - to
guard and control the use of your time
intelligently and zealously. You will set
your mind to use time
an organized
and productive manner. And through
this very means, you will be enabled not
only to accomplish your goals in busi–
ness and personal areas, but you will
have time for the desired and needed
fun and fellowship with family and
friends as well.
Learn Self-Discipline
There comes a time when - to use
the vernacular - you must "put up or
shut up."
you reaJly want success, you
must be willing to pay the price.
you would succeed, you must learn
to say "no" to yourself. You must learn
to turn down invitations, social visits,
cards, movies, golf, and other
interruptions when these could inter–
fere with accomplishment.
A balanced life with enough sleep,
exercise and recreation is absolutely pre–
requisite to ultimate success. But while
you are "on the way up," you must be–
ware of distractions.
As each area of diversion preseots it–
self, you should ask: "Will this use of
time and energy help me accomplish my
goal in life ?"
You must discipline yourself to do
the hard jobs first! The unpleasant job
that is put off is likely never to get done.
roll up your sleeves and
do it fint.
People who procrastinate and putter
around are usually putting off some–
thing unpleasant or difficult. They putter
over little, inconsequential, easy things
so they will not have to face what they
subconsciously regard as the "big ob-
stacle" - the real job that needs to get
The best way to master this problem
is to put the jobs you dislike at the top
of each day's schedule. Then, if you rol!
up your sleeves and wade into them,
you will soon be too busy to worry
about the difficulty.
Make Yourself Produce
Keep driving yourself unti l work has
become a habit that is stronger than
your human inclination to loaf.
A wise proverb tells us: "He that
lf you do not
yet hove a copy of the new full–
color booklet
send your request
to our mailing office nearest you.
See addresses inside front cover.
hath no l'Ule over his own spirit is like a
city that is broken down, and without
walls" (Prov.
Self.control and self-discipline are
vital "keys" to real success in any area
of Iife.
You must discipline yourself to get
started in the morning. You must dis–
cipline yourself to get at your work and
really produce instead of puttering with
trivials. You must discipline yourself to
avoid distractions and to use your time
and energy where they will count.
In addition, we should state here that
one of the most searching areas of seU–
discipline is in regard to your own
physical health.
you are run-down or sick, you sim–
ply cannot produce and achieve the suc-
October 1971
cess you wish. Therefore, you must
discipline yourself to get enough sleep,
enough vigorous exercise suited to your
age and condition, eat a balanced diet
of wholesome foods - basicaJly lean
meats, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables
with very limited amounts of bread,
sugars, and desserts.
Building and constantly increasing
your health and energies is a vital key
to success. This will enable you to put
renewed zest and drive into your accom–
plishments and may well make the dif–
ference in many critica! situations.
Another vital area in the field of self–
discipline is learning to finish a job
properly. Again, this means avoiding
distractions and concentrating com–
pletely on the job at hand.
mentally and spiritually helping to ere–
ate a "second wind" for yourself so that
you complete a task with a final spurt of
energy and zest.
As you learn to discipline yourself
you will find yourself getting many
more things done. You will also find
your ability to motívate and inspire
others who work with you greatly
Understand the Purpose of Life
At the beginning of this article,
mentioned that there were
arcas for success. The third, which we
have not yet discussed, involves the
spiritual aspect of one's life.
This aspect is
understood by
most. Yet, it is the most necessary for
total success.
Today, we exist in an age of gross
materialism. Paradoxically, the more we
have physically, the less it seems we are
happy emotionally and mentally. People
have the feeling that somethiog is
wrong. But they can't put their finger
on the
of their emptiness.
The answer is simple. Physical
wealth, goods can only constitute a tem–
porary success because they are in tbem–
selves temporary. And today, the world
is "more" temporary than it has ever
been. Former Associate Editor of
Alvin Toffier in bis best selling
Futttre Shock
noted that "man's
relationship with things are
temporary." That is, we are pro–
ducing more, doing more, traveling
more, consuming more - and doing it