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October 1971
Another key is to learn to speed up
your routine tasks and learn to be more
efficient. Again, you may wish to read
and think about how to solve this
problem. But you will undoubtedly find
many ways in which certain of your
tasks can be done in less time - and
probably much more efficiently.
Learn to organize your desk or work
space. You may save a great deal of
time and etfort simply by learniog to
have a definite place for everytbing -
Kaiser lndullries
and keeping everything in its place.
A well-organized file cabinet and
ing system is of inestimable value to a
business or career man. Even in the
home, a limited filing system may help
the modero wife far more than she
Making Accomplishment an
Exdting Challenge
One of the most important keys to
success in business and life is the sense
of zest and drive which really successful
men and women almost universally
have and cultivate in their work and in
their lives.
Newspaper and magazine reportees
. were fascinated by the tremendous drive
and zeal which former
U. S.
Johnson poured into bis job. The for–
mer President rose about 6:30 in the
moming and went fast and hard all day
until 10 or 11 p.m. nearly every night.
The same drive was exhibited by bis
predecessor, the late President John F.
Kennedy, and is certainly now exhibited
in full measure by President Nixon.
A noted Washington correspondent
reported at the time Kennedy was presi–
dent: "Kennedy is amazing many old–
timers in federal government and
horrifying others by the speed and drive
with which he conducts the presidency.
"lt is quite comrnon for the Chief
Executive to stride into his office about
in the morning, calling to various
World Photo
staff members as he crosses the thresh–
old. He wants detailed information
on a certain situation in government
and he wants it in a hurry, at least,
fore the day is over.
"But what surprises these meo even
more is that Kennedy is waiting in his
office at
at night when the
quested report arrives."
Certainly the above description of
the late President Kennedy's work day
indicates the zest with which he tackled
his many responsibilities and the drive
he put into their accomplishment. In
case after case, this is certainly the
"key'' to the success of many great lead–
ers. It is certainly true of the present
British Prime Minister, and the
U. S.
Leam the
Key of
Your life itself is composed of just so
mucb time. Viewing it in this manner,
your time is your Iife.
This realization - and the guarded
use of time that naturally follows from
it - is a success key that has been or is
being used by nearly every great leader
of our time.
We are all milliooaires in time. Each
of us has just as much time as the early
Rockefellers, Morgans or Fords. Each
of us, throughout each day, has just as
much time as Einstein did.
The question is - how do we use
this tremendous gift of time? You can
World Photo
only waste the present moment. You
cannot waste tomorrow. It is kept
fresh and waiting for you. You can turn
over a new leaf every hour if you
Day by day, you can learn to use time
to tremendous advantage!
Realizing the value of time, learn to
get up early and
get right
when you
wake up. Learn to dress quickly in the
morning and prepare for the day with
Organizing the layout of your bath–
room and your wardrobe saves a great
deal of time. Housewives will 6nd that
applying efficiency techniques to their
kitchen will save them a great deal of
time in getting the family fed and off to
work - and for their own activities as
Again, the thought of scheduling
your time throughout each day, week
and month comes into the picture. You
certainly don't need to be a schedule