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August 1971
(ConiÍillted from page one)
participate in group parties - or orgies
- where husbands swap wives - dis–
robed in bed. In the past three months
many newspaper and magazine articlcs
have appeared, describing this suddenly
fast-growing phenomenon.
Stmday Times
(London), in
illustrations five columns wide, showed
front views of both men and women,
completely nude. Thcre was no retouch–
ing. Alongside was a picture of a man
and woman in sexual intercourse, nude
in bed. Under the pictures was this
caption: "BBC scores big
cbildren's sex film." And under it this
subhead: "3,000 scbools buy it; one
teacher out of 100 says 'pornographic'."
Leading in the parade of public
advocacy of promiscuous scx - nothing
barred - are the psychoanalysts, psy–
chologists, and even sociologists. Thcse
doctors are lending a professional aura
of respectability to adultery, promiscuity
and perversion, under the catchphrase:
Netl '
lt is neither new,
nor moralíty. But ít ís becoming
"accepted" more and more by socíety,
and spreading like a prairíc fire!
Dr. Robert A. Harper is a Washing–
ton psychologist. At sessions of the
American Psychological Association, held
in Washington D.
he is reported to
have told one group that parents should
get together "to encourage, help and
foster sexual play in their pre-adolescent
childreo." He advocated play-pens for
nursery-school children, in which "vig–
orous and joyful sex-play" should be
I feel that many do not reaüze the
extent to whicb modero psychologists
are swaying the world into a collapse of
healthy home and famiJy life, Ieading
toward total degeneration of the human
cace. One statement Dr. Harper is
reported to have made is significant:
His plan for sexual play pens is
reported as but one part of a "revolu–
tionary program to demolish certain
chcrished myths in our social moraJity."
He adds: " l
we need blockbuster
intensive therapeutic efforts, financed by
the Federal government and run inde–
pcndently of the schools." The plan
would even go so far as taking away
most persons' right to reproduce!
What's really back of this moraJs rev–
olution, now sweeping the wodd? Few
realize what has happened
These misled "swingers" - these
dupes going into "group sex" and
"group therapy" - these co-eds follow–
ing blindly the fast-growing trend
toward premarital sex - these mixed–
up deluded hippies - these homosex–
ual perverts -
all are merely the
deceived victims. They are like dumb
sheep going to the slaughter in a trail
of Jilth. They are being led into charac–
ter-pollution and degeneracy, started
and fostered by the professional
What actualJy has HAPPENED?
Few know. These professional "mind
experts" do not even know what the
human mind
and what is the díffer–
ence between animal brain and human
mind! They themselves are criminally
There is a
in human knowledge!
And what one doesn't know, he
KNOW JT ! And in their vanity of self–
complacency, these "experts" suppose
they know all that is to be known about
the human mind !
What is RIGHT about
What is WRONG in the arca of sex?
What is truly beneficia! to partici–
pants - and what is harmful and
Do people know? Do the profes–
sional psychologists and sociologists
know? Emphatically they oo NOT!
In all the published knowledge and
instcuction about sex and marriage, the
most vitally needed dimension has been
tell you wbat has happened.
And then l'll tell you WHY!
Battering Down T raditions
Today revolt is in the air. Revolt is
everywhere, against almost everything!
et in no grievance is revolt so wide–
spread as that aga inst the repressive
moral codes of traditional Christianity.
What was the real origin of the tradí–
tional Christian morality?
The truth
it carne neither from
Christ, nor the original apostles, nor
from the Bible. But Christianity, after
íts first generation, absorbed the pagan
dualism of Greece, and pasted the label
"sinful" on sex. Through the centuries
since - until the two world wars in
this century - the prudish attitude
shame governed moral standards. And
because sex was viewed as indecent,
degrading, shameful - as sinful even
in marríage, except for procreation -
dissemination of knowledge about sex
was forcibly withheld from the public.
But what were the fruits of that dual–
istic concept of virtue? Sorne
marriages were rendered unhappy -
many utterly miserable - frustrated
and unbearable - due to false attitudes
and sex ignorance.
The Founder of true Christianity
ght 110
Jesus never
represented sex as anything other than
that which our Maker designed and cre–
ated - and all that He had created
God pronounced "very good." Jesus
taught against
WI"Ong uses
forgave a repentant woman caught in
the act of adultery, wíth the admoni–
tíon, "Go, and sin no more." The
original apostles never deviated from
that teaching. The Biblical teaching
throughout is the same.
Then finally carne along Sigmund
Frcud, founder of psychoanalysis. About
he reached a startling conclu–
síon. Resulting from his dinical ex–
periences, researches, and fau lty human
reason - ignorant of the vital MISSJNG
OIMENSION in knowledge - freud
came to the conclusion that sexual re–
pression, plus
attitude of shame and
feelings of guilt, plus ignorance about
sex, were the causes of neuroses and
other mental disorders.
He and bis followers in psychiatry
leaped all the way to the opposite
EXTREME! They urged knowledge dis–
semination, sex instruction, and com–
plete sexual freedom - in or out of
marriage, as the panacea.
Moral Barriers Crumble
the wake of World War I, this
agitation plus after-effects of the war