Page 569 - 1970S

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military government, and remains dis–
trustful of each restrictive measure
which seems to indicate more of a
"police state" in the offing.
A Broken Spirit
In short, America ls tmwilling to
maintain either the determination of
spirit, or the kind of a
professional m.ilitary organ ization that
can survive too many more protracted
tests of her willpowe.r in far-off lands.
Is America seeing the world pass her
by? Does she belong, perhaps, to a dif–
ferent era?
The pride in our power is gone.
has been broken.
Korea started it. Vietnam could well
The American Cong,ress has, in
expressing the will of the American
people, made it "illegal" to further
involve American foot soldiers in yet
another tiresome war, fought for lim–
ited política! objectivies, in Asia.
Thus, the United States has linally, in
futility and hopelessness, rejected the
course of action it so cautiously pursued
thcough the agonies of Korea, al! of
Vietnam, and eve,ry minor skirmish in
We seem to have decided, now, that
both wars were a terrible mistake.
Something has been steadily kílling
us. What ís it? We have no single,
grand goal toward which we unitedly
press. ·we envision no great purpose
which calls from us individual and col–
lective sacrifice. We are ennobled by
no special, unique pursuits which are
righteous in a world lilled with
We have compromised our morals,
made the more futíle our religions,
destroyed our families, corrupted our
youth, destroyed our military's will to
fight, and only wait, now, for events to
overtake us.
We have ceased t0 innovate.
We are not leading.
Why? What caused it all ?
We did. We forgot the God who
gave us our liberties. We forsook the
Creator who blessed and enriched us
above all peoples who have ever waJked
the earth.
Our laymen plunged into materialism
with greedy delight, and our churchmen
gave them all their blessing, calling the
breaking of God's Ten Commandments
a "new morality,.,
We have forgotten God.
We do NOT keep His laws.
And that God says to us, "... And if
you wi ll not yet for all this listen to me,
will punish you seven times more
for your sins.
It's been broken. We don't keep the
Ten Commandments. Can you, in good
sense, den
the connection?
"And I will make your heaven as
iron, and your earth as brass, and
stt·ength shall be spent ilz
vai11 . ..."
We have spent our strength - ob,
how we've spent it. We have wasted
our energies, our vast wealth, our
young, strong men - we have spent
enormously, vastly, prodigiously.
And we have done it all in vain.
We have spent our homes and fam–
iües, our farms and produce, our facto–
ries and their products. We have spent
our time and our concern. We have
spent dearly.
In vain.
1 wanted to kili a people, I would
give it too much. I would have it sick,
greedy, on its knees with lust and de–
praved sensual desire. 1 would destroy its
homes and families with empty reli–
gions, false moral values, and situation
ethics. 1 would futilize its youth by
double standards, incredible hypocrisy,
and useless wars always looming ahead
in which they can vanish in some far–
off land. I would confuse its leadership,
national confidence, take
away its willingness. to sacrifice for
great causes.
That is, if I wanted to kill a peopJe.
But most of all, if I wanted to kili
a people, I would see to it there was
a conti nued coospiracy to make that
people forget its God - its Protector
and Creator. I would impugn spiritual
laws, rightcous values, and all absolutes.
I would destroy Christian conscience,
and make religion an empty, mean–
ingless jargoo of semi-sick, irrelevant
ceremony. I would turn the people
inward, upon itsdf, in a spate of hateful
witch-hunting, minority-baiting, useless
violence, and part-time revolution.
Something terrible has happened to
When a people cannot look back
with satisfaction, it may find it difficult
to look forward with courage.
Is there any willpower left? Any
spirit of sacrifice? Any dedication to
great cause?
Have we forgotten how to repeut?
· If
we have - we're only waiting to
to Oisaster?
Coming in the April PLAIN
TRUTH - a revealing art icle
discussing the arms buildup - its
post beginnings, present critica!
phase, and om inous portent f o r
the future. The full story of the
world's preoccupation with
weaponry and mi litary hardware
will be told in the next issue.
Be sure to read this shocking
and eye-opening report.
( Contimted from page 14)
the gospel of "Do What Thou Wilt,"
appears to be creating thousands of new
(quite rightly) the
homosexual. But they do not
consider for a moment whether they are
being kind to thousands who might
never have considered homosexuality
except in the permissive climate created
by ultra-liberal teachings.
(quite rightly) the
romantic teen-age gid who believes that
the world will come to an end unless
she agrees to go away with her boy–
friend for the weekend. They iodicate
that any parent who is shocked by the
idea. is merely responding to old
hypocritical taboos. And if, as a result
of this "new morality," the young girl
becomes pregnant - why, their pity is
quite rightly) roused again!
(quite rightly) the plight
of an unmarried mother and her prob–
lems of rearing a child without a father.
(de.rpile their mllrh-t'(flfllfed regard