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Sour grapes? A bah-humbug Scrooge? Antiestablishment? Irre/igious? No! None ofthese. Here's a
plain speaking-out about a holiday nearly everybody keeps, re/igious or nonreligious, and nearly no
one seems to real/y understand why! Read this personal-experience article for understanding. It's
practica/. Logical. Truthful. Bíblica/. Al/ of these!
any years ago
stopped to
ask myself: Why do l keep
Christmas? More people are
unhappy, miserable, depressed, deep in
debt, and violent during that holiday
season than any other time of the year.
There's precious little
ce on earth or
goodwill among men. There doesn't
seem to be much of Christ in the com–
mercialized Christmas that begins to be
advertised each year before the last
Christmas is paid for!
For that matter, in what little
reading l had done in the Bible, 1
never had read anything about
Christmas. Where did we gel all of
these customs anyway? Why do I
have to practice them just because
everybody else does? What differ–
ence will it make if I don't keep
At first 1 argued with myself that 1
would create problems wi t h my
friends and relatives, particularly tbe
kids in the family, if l didn't go along
wi tb the customs surrounding the
twenty-fifth of December.
But 1 was wrong.
When 1said 1was sick and ti red of
it and determined not to have any–
thing to do with it, 1 found many
people who felt the same way. A
great number of those who had in
previous years felt obliged to trade
gifts with me sighed in relief at not
having that obligation. As for the
PLAIN TRUTH December 1979