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prophetic psalm (Psalm 83) provides
additional insight into the coming
Mideast picture. Germany
in Bible prophecy) and perhaps the
rest of Europe will be in1league in the
future with a union of Arab na–
tions-a vast confederacy bound to–
gether in an effort to crush out the
name "Israel" from the face of the
earth! This Arab-Moslem confedera–
cy may very well be the previously
mentioned "king of the south" of
Daniel 11-a sphere of power en–
compassing vast portions of the Is–
lamic world.
"They have said, Come, and let us
cut them off from being a nation;
that the name of Israel may be no
more in remembrance. For they have
consulted together
with one consent:
they are
against thee:
The tabernacles of Edom [Esau or
modern-day Turkey, a non-Arab but
Islamic nation] and the Ishmaelites
[Saudi Arabia]; of Moab [part of
Jordan] and the Hagarenes [ancient–
ly these people dwelt in the Jand
known as Syria today] ; Gebal [Leba–
non] , and Ammon [modern Jordan],
and Amalek [part of the Turks]; the
Philistines [the modern Palestinian
Arabs] with the inhabitants of Tyre
[whose descen–
dants, the Assyrians, migrated to
also is joined with them:
they have holpen [helped] the chil–
dren of Lot [Jordan and western
Iraq] " (Psalms 83 :4-8).
Amazingly, such an alliance is al–
ready in the making! Europe-and
West Germany in particular-is vi–
tally dependent on the Arab world's
oil. lt cannot afford to appear overly
sympathetic to the Jewish state. Even
now, a "special relationship" is de–
veloping between the major Arab oil
producers in the Middle East and the
industrial oil-consuming powers of
Western Europe. Europe is seeking
long-term guarantees of oil supplies
to meet its needs. Moreover, the
Arabs- fearful of Soviet inroads in
the Middle East and corresponding
lack of firm U.S. resolve to counter–
balance them- have expressed inter–
est in developing closer
with Europe. There have even been
reports of a suggested "collective se–
curity pact" in the Middle East un–
der European guarantees. Mean-
PLAIN TRUTH December 1979
wbile, Israeli leaders are becoming
concerned about what they perceive
to be a growing European pro-Arab
Mldeast lnvaded
But in the end, this European-Arab
alliance will prove short-Jived. As
shown earlier, the "king of the north"
of Daniel 11-the leader of tbe Ger–
man-led European union-will ulti–
mately turn against the Arab "king
of the south," with disastrous conse–
quences for the entire Middle East–
both Jew and Arab alike. The entire
region will be subjected to armed in–
Europe's ire could well be precipi–
tated by a cutoff of vital oil supplies
by the Arabs. Whatever the provoca–
tion, Europe will act swiftly to pro–
tect its interests- sending troops into
tbe Middle East!
Europe will act swiftly to
protect its interests–
sending troops into the
Middle East!
' '
Daniel ll :40-41 : "And tbe king of
the nortb shall come against bim [the
king of the south] like a whirl–
wind ... and he shall enter into the
.countries. ... He shall enter also into
the glorious land [Palestine], and
many countries
[Arab countries of
the Middle East]
shall be over–
thrown ...."
The modern State of Israel will be
conquered. Jerusalem will be be–
sieged and taken. The prophet Zech–
ariah also speaks of this capture of
Jerusalem, revealing that eventually
balf the city will be taken into captiv–
ity by the European power (14:1-2).
In addition, Daniel's prophecy spe–
cifically mentions that Egypt will be
conquered by the German-led Euro–
pean forces. Isaiah shows that Syria,
too, will become a "ruinous heap"
(17: l-3).
The Arab-Moslem Confederation
will, of course, be thrown into chaotic
disarray in the face of invasion. Sorne
of its component countries will be
directly occu pied by Europea n
troops. However, as revealed in Dan–
ielll:41, Jordan (the present-day de–
scendants of Moab and Ammon) and
Turkey (Edom) will escape occupa–
tion. Other Arab countries may also
avoid full occupation, possibly re–
maining in sorne sort of limited al–
liance with United Europe. "Libya"
the North African Arabs)
along with "Ethiopia" (or
tain black African nations) shall be
'"at bis [the king of the north's]
steps"-or "following
as sorne
t ranslations render it.
Great Tribulatlon
In the wake of the invasion and
takeover of the State of Israel by
the revived Roman Empire, the
"beast" (European strong man) will
make Jerusalem his headquarters
(Daniel 11 :45) . As many New Tes–
tament prophecies reveal, a great
miracle-working religious Jeader–
called the "false prophet" and "man
of sin"-will come along from Eu–
rope with the beast, in direct al–
liance with him. Tbis false prophet
will make bis religious headquarters
at Jerusalem.
Jesus Christ spoke of a soon-com–
ing "great tribulation" (Matthew
24:21). Cbrist also predicted that an
invasion of Palestine would immedi–
ately precede it: '
And when ye
shall see Jerusalem
compassed with
then know that the desola–
tion thereof is nigh" (Luke 21 :20) .
God will permit tbe European
Cburch-State union to tread Jerusa–
lem underfoot for 1260 days, or 3lh
years (Daniel 12:7; Revelation
Christ continued in Luke 21: "For
these be the days of vengeance, that
all things which are written may be
fulfilled ... for there shall be great
distress in the land ... they shall fall
by the edge of the sword, and shall be
led away captive into all nations: and
Jerusalem shall be trodden down of
the Gentiles, until the times of the
Gentiles be fu lfi lled" (verses 22-
24)- a graphic picture of Palestine
occupied and ravaged during the
Great Tribulation. (Other prophecies
(Continued on page 38)