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Jesus brought big news-the most ímportant news announcement ever reported to man. /t is the
ad_vance news of how world peace will come.
orne may wonder, what possi–
ble connection could there be
between the problems of gov–
ernments and the message of
Jesus Christ?
Neither religion nor government
nor education has found the
the frightful evils in today's world,
nor have they found the solutions to
the tragic problems of suffering hu–
manity. They fail utterly to point the
way to or to produce peace! The evo–
lutionary theory gives no explanation
for the real vital problems of today's
very sick world. It offers no solutions.
But the gospel of Jesus Christ-if
they only knew what it is-does give
the rational and true explanation,
and it outlines the solution that will
be made!
But, one may ask in bewilderment,
doesn' t
know what is the
gospel of Jesus Christ? Hasn' t it been
preached for more than 1900 years?
Incredible or not, the answer is an
emphatic NO! Christ's gospel was not
proclaimed to the world for over l8Y2
know, is a staggering state–
ment. It may sound absurd.
People will ask, " But haven't they
preached Christ to the world? Hav–
en't they pleaded BELIEVE ON CHRIST
and ACCEPT CHRIST? Haven' t mil-
Herbert W. Armstrong
lions believed on Christ? Haven't
millions accepted Christ- professed
Christ? Do not millions call their re–
ligion after His name- the Christian
religion? And isn't Christianity one
of the largest religions on earth?"
Quite true.
Christ ls Not the Gospel
But preaching Christ is not preach–
ing Cbrist's gospel! Christ was the
messenger who brought the gospel–
the messenger God sent with a MES–
SAGE for all mankind- and that mes–
sage is the gospel. The very word
"gospel" means "good news."
Jesus Christ, the person, is the
greatest, most important person ever
to walk on this earth. But He, as a
person, is not the gospel. The mira–
eles He performed are not the gospel.
The things Jesus did are not the gos–
pel. What He preached-the tremen–
dous good oews He announced-is
Tune in your television set any
Sunday morning, and you'll see the
weekly religious diet and hear nearly
all preachers telling you
Christ-urging you to believe on
Cbrist-to accept Christ- telling
you what a wonderful person He was.
They will be called "gospel pro–
grams." They will talk about getting
out the gospel. But Christ the person
is not the gospel!
know that sounds
incredible- because they call what
they are saying "the gospel."
Millions of viewers and listeners
have ASSUMED they were hearing the
gospel. People have heard all their
lives the preaching about Jesus
Christ the person whicb has been
"the gospel." People have sim–
ply taken it for granted that they
were hearing tbe gospel. So they ac–
cept what they have heard
gospel when, in actual fact, they have
the gospel of Jesus
Christ- the message-the news an–
Believers Wanted to Kili Christ
What they have accepted without
the gospel offers no solu–
tíon to humanity's sufferings, frus–
trations and indescribable evils! The
true gospel Jesus brought proclaims
tbe solutioo to the world's troubles,
but men rejected that gospel and cru–
cified Jesus for preaching it!
There were those wbo BELIEVED on
Christ, just as millions do today–
millions who have not heard His gos–
Notice! Read it fully in tbe Bible.
lt's an eye-opener- for the Bible
doesn't SAY what you've supposed.
The PLAIN TRUTH December 1979