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Personal from.. .
Who Is Lord? Caesar or Christ?
ow politicians trying to take over and run the
Worldwide Church of God are saying that I,
as an apostle, have no voice or authority in
how Church funds are expended, but only in
what they term "ecclesiastical functions"- while on tbe
other hand Mr. Stanley R. Rader, because he was not
yet ordained, has no authority in the Church's
"ecclesiastical" atfairs.
In other words, the politicians are trying to tell us on
what basis the Church of God must be organized.
This Church was founded in 31 A. D. by Jesus Christ. The
present era ofthat same Church was founded in the autumn
of 1933, according to the biblical pattern asordained by the
Almighty God. The present era was started in Oregon, not in
California. Yet California politicians are now trying to tell
us how it should be administered.
First, although it is organized according to God's
pattern in the Bible, it is not a secular organization, but
a spiritual organism.
In 1Corinthians 12, the Word ofGod tells us that in
spiritual GIFTS, "thereare OIFFERENCES OF
AOMINISTRATIONS, but the same lord.. . . But al! these
[spiritual gifts] worketh that one and the selfsameSpirit,
dividing toevery man severallyas he [God] wi ll. ... For the
body is notone member, but many. Ifthefootshall say,
Because 1am not the hand, 1am notofthe body; is it
therefore not ofthe body? ... But now hath God set the
members everyoneofthem in the body, as it hath pleased
him [not politicians] .... And God hath set sorne in the
church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers,
afterthatmiracles ..."(verses5, 11, 14- 15, 18', 28).
n Ephesians 4 these ranks are apostles, prophets,
evangelists, pastors and teachers. They are for the
Chu rch's WORK (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Yery evident ly these officers are Iisted as ranks in
authority. For example, only four prophets are
mentioned in the New Testament, and not one set any
church doctrines or beliefs. Not one exercised any
authority. There are no prophets in the Church today,
and no record of any for 1900 years.
The word "apostle' ' means, literally, "one sent forth"
PLAIN TRUTH December 1979
with the gospel message. However, Matthew 16: L8 and
18:1-2, 18 show that an apostle carries top authority on
the human leve!, under Christ. For example, he is in
authority over finances for spreading the gospel though
financia! details may be delegated to one under him.
When the Church of God was founded in 31 A. D., it
was founded , NOT on any 'form enforced by civil political
government, but founded on the apostles (New
Testament) and propbets (Oid Testament), Jesus Christ
being the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). The living
Jesus Christ was the HEAD of the Church.
was a
spiritual organism, not a secular organization. From the
very beginning
was opposed by civil política!
government. Its original membership of 120 (Acts 1: 15)
started that day of Pentecost. That same inaugural day,
God added about three thousand members to the
church- all baptized that day.
For sorne two years the membership, under the
leadership of tbe apostles, and of Christ from heaven,
Jesus had commissioned His apostles to be sent forth
proclaiming Christ's gospel message of the Kingdom of
God. In spite of
political secular government,
started going into a ll the world with this Kingdom
message. By what means? By the means then available
to them-afoot, and by sailboat. They certainly did not
consult the political governments regarding their manner
of going forth into all the world with the gospel.
After two years, severe opposition set in. Much of it
was by false apostles, but these soon sought política!
government persecution and opposition against
proclaiming Christ's gospel. Peter, John, Paul and otbers
were thrown into jail overnight- but God by
supernatural power released them. Though persecuted,
even as tbe same Church is today, the Work of
proclaiming the Kingdom of God went on.
In our day Jesus Christ prepared and raised up
Herbert W. Armstrong as His chosen apostle to carry on
the proclaiming of the gospel worldwide, and ministering
the membership in local congregations.
In our day we live in a totally
(Cont inued on page 44)