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Why? The blunt truth
is that the many
hundreds of religious
bodies are themselves too
divided to speak with a
united voice. How can
they fai l to confuse others
when they themselves are
in confusion?
The veritable babylon
of doctrines, often contra–
dicting one another, is
enough to thoroughly
confuse any honest in–
quirer. Thousands have
asked: "Which of these
religions is right? Which
religion possesses the real
tru th? Don't they get
their beliefs and practices
out of the Bible? Then
why can't they agree?"
ignores what this book
This world often looks
upon men who have exer–
cised great military or po–
litical power over other
men as great leaders.
"Might makes right!"
they think. But were men
like H itler, Napoleon ,
Charlemagne and Alex–
ander the Great really
great men in God's
Men are often called
' 'great" who were con–
querors of vast amounts
of real estate. Many of
the world's "greats" were
butchers of thousands
and even millions of
How is it that the
churches can' t even agree "'
on the proper "moral
code" which we are sup–
posed to follow?
Britain's war-time prime minister, em–
ployed principies of strong and decisive leadership in guiding his
nation through the dark days of World War 11.
But what is the true
criterion of greatness?
is high time we looked
into biblical revelation to
find what God says are
Thus we see that to–
day ' s potential world
leaders aren't being taught real, posi–
tive, dynamic leadership in the
homes, schools and colleges, and–
sad to say- not even in the churches.
Why is this so?
Why have the basic institutions of
this world been uná'ble to point out,
with clarion voice, the true path
which today's youth should follow?
How come they are unable to teach
the principies of true leadership to
these potential world leaders?
The simple truth is, few really
know what leadership qualities they
should be developing in today's
young people. How can they teach
the right qualities of true leadership
when they themselves haven't
learned them?
A prominent educator voiced his
concern about the lack of leadership
in the world today. Derek Bok, presi–
dent of Harvard, said: "There is a
very obvious dearth of people who
seem able to supply convincing an–
swers, or even point to directions
toward solutions."
Not only in the United States but
around the world, leaders are daily
frustrated by their inability to get a
handle on such world problems as
PLAIN TRUTH October / November 1979
nuclear proliferation, the population
explosion, ever-increasing sickness
and disease, shortages of food and
energy, rampant crime and economic
crises (especially inflation).
Pointing the Way
The real dynamics of leadership are
found in the world's most widely dis–
tributed and read book- the Bible.
Only here are to be found the real
answers to the problems of the world.
Permanent solutions to the big prob–
lems are not contained in the unin–
spired writings of mortal men.
It is only in the Bible that mankind
is shown the way he should properly
order his life. Only in this best seller
can parents, teachers and religious
leaders learn the way to develop true
But since the world has rejected
God's way as revealed in this book, it
continues groping- stumbling along
trying out its own human-devised
philosophies and methods of incul–
cating leadership.
The Bible, then, tells us what kind
of character traits we must develop if
we want to learn how to be leaders.
But the world overlooks or totally
the character traits which
we should be developing
in ourselves and teaching our chil–
Fearing God
Nearly three thousand years ago,
God anointed a man to be king over
Israel who really understood the es–
sence of true leadership. King David,
who proved himself to be an able
administrator, was loved by his own
peoples and feared by the surround–
ing nations.
David wrote: "He that ruleth over
men must be just, ruling in the
of God' '
Samuel 23:3).
. Few realize just how much truth is
contained in that statement. Those
who fai l to grasp this important truth
(that God is to be
godly fear) are missing one of the
most important points of leader–
None who deny the very existence
of God can possibly lead their
peoples in the right direction: "The
fool hath said in his heart, There is
no God. Corrupt are they; and have
done abominable iniquity ... "
(Psalms 53:1).
As an example of atheistic leader–
ship, look at Communist Russia and