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o today's world
problems (crime,
broken bornes,
energy shortages,
etc.) reveal a deep–
seated lack ofeffec–
tive leadership? Is
man searching vainly to find workable
solutions to his ever-increasing prob–
lcms? There is a crisis of leadership
worldwide! Where are the modero
Churchi lls, Eisenhowers, DeGaulles
or Adcnaucrs? Where are today's Da–
vids, Elijahs, Abrahams? Where can
today's nations find men with the abi l–
ity and quality of character to take
over the reins ofgovernmenl?
Problems Without Solutions
We live in a world of mind-boggling
problems- problems which seeming–
ly defy solutions. How can the world
stop nuclear proliferation? And how
can mankind ensure tha t the ever–
growing c lub of nuclea r na t ions
doesn't become trigger happy?
Can lhe world find a way to clothe
and feed its "hungry millions"–
which could become its "hungry bil–
lions" ? How can we check lhe popu–
lation explosion?
But that is not al!. Can mankind
find a way to prevent or even cure
such frightening scourges as cancer,
heart disease, menta l illness?
Then there is the ever-increasing
reality of crime and terrorism–
much of it senseless and with no ap–
parenl motive. How to prevent or at
least cope with crime is by itself a
huge headache for the world's lead–
ers. And there are many other prob–
lems: juvenile delinquency, marital
Aaymond F. McNair
breakups, immorality, racial strife,
drugs, drunkenness.
These are j ust a few of the many
world headaches which refuse to go
away. But where can we fi nd the
leaders to cope with lhese colossal
problems? Are today's youth being
effectively trained to take the helms
of big governments and grapple suc–
cessfully with these and other prob–
lems confronting mankind?
Many believe that given enough
time man will find solutions to al! his
problems. Man is a boro optimist.
Bu t a l! too often men believe t hat
they, totally apart from God , have all
the answers.
T here are, however, those who say
that man, with his present nature,
does not have the solutions to any of
the really big problems. They not
only doubt man's ability to solve his
own problems without bringing apoc–
alyptic upheavals among the nations,
but many of these same pessimists
a lso doubt the very existence of God.
Or if they believe in God, they think
He has gone way off and left man to
solve bis own problems to the best of
his limited ability.
Failure of Home, School and Church
There a re causes for all effects-rea–
sons for everything. What are sorne
of the reasons for loday's lack of
leadership? We necd to look at 1)
modero home li fe, 2) education, 3)
Fi rst of all, look at modero family
life. More and more families are
breaking up. But why? In great mea–
sure because the husband and fatber
fails to supply the wise leadersbip
needed to guide the borne. More
mothers are having to take over the
reins of the home because of absent
or derelict fathers. The denigration
of fathcrhood is having an adversc
effect on the youth of today- and
will ultimately affect their ability to
be ablc lo take lhe lead in a world
sadly lacking in solid leadership.
A young man wbo is brought up in a
home where lhere is no fatber, or wherc
the father has abdicated bis leadership
role as head of the family, wíll
confused adult, utterly lacking in the
ability to fulfill his God-given role as
leader in tomorrow's home.
Sccondly, look at the training of
our youlh in schools and colleges.
Most of today's teachers are admit–
ledly lacking in the ability to give the
students under their charge tbe inspi–
ration and the answers which they
need. More and more, students are
being turned off. AU too often, their
teachers tell them tbey must recon–
cile themselves to living in a hostile
and confused world with huge, un–
solvable problems.
Is it any wonder today's students
are not receiving the proper training
necessary for dynamic leadership in
tomorrow's world?
Thirdly, what are the churches do–
ing lo supply the leadership which is
needed so badly?
Again, as in the borne and in the
institutions of learning, tbe churches
are failing to give today's youth lhe
leadership training which will make
lhem capable of coping with tomor–
row's crushing problems.
One might ask: "But surely the
churches, those who know God and
His Word, ought to be able to point
the way for today's youth?" Yes, the
churches ought to be able, but they
The PLAIN TRUTH October/ November 1979