Page 4482 - 1970S

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and American peoples
in this genera–
With the move toa new united
European monetary system, the elec–
tion of an activist Polish Pope, and
the Russian Communist hold weak–
ening on the nations of eastern Eu–
rope, restraints are being removed
from holding back the full-scale res–
urrection of the "beast," pictured
prophetically in Revelation 17.
A Preparat ion f o r Chrlst 's Return
Notice this striking prophecy for OUR
day: "Behold, 1 will send you .Elijah
the prophet before the coming of the
great and dreadful day of tbe Lord:
And he shall turn the heart of the
fathers to the children, and the heart
of the children to their fathers, test I
come and smite the earth with a
curse" (Malachi 4:5-6).
This basic but little-understood
prophecy obviously refers toa man or
work preparing the way for Christ's
second coming at the time of God's
intervention in human affairs, pro–
phetically called "the day of the
The work of John the Baptist was
a first and typical fulfillment of the
prophecy referring to this great end–
time Work. For Luke was inspired to
write about the work of John: "And
he shall go before him in the spirit
and power of Elias [Eiijah], to turn
the hearts of the fathers to the chil–
dren, and the disobedient to the wis–
dom of the just; to make ready a
people ,prepared for the Lord" (Luke
1: 17). You will notice here that Luke
said John was "in the
spirit and
of Elijah," not that he WAS
Elijah. But the work was that em–
powered by the
same spirit
guided Elijah to turn Israel's eyes of
old to the true God, to help the fa–
thers' hearts be turned to their chil–
dren and to the preservation of the
family, and to cause many disobe–
dient to begin walking in the wisdom
of the just.
When you read in
The Plain
about solutions and real AN–
SWERS to the problems of dating,
courtship, marriage, child rearing
and such basic issues dealing with
the preservation of the family-do
you realize that Bible prophecy is
being fulfilled before your very eyes?
WHERE ELSE on this earth can you
obtain real ANSWBRS to such basic
questions as "What is the incredible
human potential ?" Answers to the
problems of human suffering, war
a nd the fact that only a VERY FEW
are being called to
any kind
"Christian" salvation in this age,
when you consider that most of the
earth is Communist, pagan or at best
Again, you read in
The Plain
the real MEANJNG of such cur–
rent problems as "punk rock," the
jangling, ·discordant "music" we are
forced to endure, the curse of vener–
eal disease, the chaos and upheaval
in modero universities and education,
and many other social problems. As
you read these things-and the spe:
cific and detailed prophecies for the
future-<ion't you realize deep within
yourself that there is NO PLACE ELSE
God's prophets and
leading ministers have
always had helpers and
"co-workers" in carrying
out their mission.
' '
on earth today where this under–
standing is made available?
Increasing thousands
feel this
way. They have become co-work–
ers with us,
and with Christ,
in this
vast, worldwide Work of God. That
is WHY your
Plain Truth
has no sub–
scription price. That is WHY there is
no whining, begging, nagging, plead–
ing or even hinting over
The World
broadcast for money or
financia! help of any sort. So far as
we know, we stand completely ALONE
in this God-inspired policy, too!
Why God 's Work Grows
God's Work is
in power
and effectiveness every few years.
How? It has been made possible
only through the combined efforts of
thousands of co-workers whom God
has called to help financially support
this great Work.
In the earl ier days of Mr. Arm–
strong's ministry, he
was able
to reach only a handful of people
through his preaching. But as the
number of dedicated co-workers who
voluntarily gave their contributions,
their tithes and their offerings in–
creased, so did the scope and power
of God's Work. This Work of God
has continued to grow at a fantastic
Today Mr. Armstrong's efforts are
millions of times
the modern miracles of radio and the
printing press.
In this age of jet travel, Mr. Arm–
strong is now able to go before kings
and world leaders with Christ's true
message. Also millions of people all
over the world read about God's
prophecies for these end times every
month in
The Plain Truth
Hundreds of thousands receive
strong spiritual meat in
The Good
magazine, and thousands of
others are studying their Bibles with
the Ambassador College Bible Cor–
respondence Course. And Ambassa–
dor College continues to train addi–
tional men and women so desperately
needed in God's growing Work.
All this obviously costs money!
And it has all been made possible
through the financia! support of a
few thousand
workers who have, of their own ac–
cord, decided they wanted to have a
part in helping to preach and publish
God's warning message as a witness
to all nations!
What ls a Co-Wo rker ?
God's prophets and leading ministers
had disciples, helpers
and co-workers in carrying out their
mission. Mention of the latter is espe–
y prevalent in the New Testa–
Notice: "We then, as WORKERS to–
gether with him, beseech you also
that ye receive not the grace of God
in vain" (Il Corinthians 6:1). In con–
text, this scripture clearly sbows that
true Christians should be
with Christ in reaching the
unconverted world with His mes–
For there is certainly WORK to
Yet, God commands His ministers