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F!ere's why our literature has no subscription price. Here's why thousands of people
from many nations feel they have a genuine part in changing this world!
his is
world. Every
thinking roan and
woman in America now
knows tbat. And
know it.
Wretched crime and
violence now run rampant. Vicious
killers are regularly set free by per–
missive courts. The evils of rebellion,
perversion and pornography have
free rein while religious liberty is
under attack. Now even God's own
Work is being viciously persecuted!
This ought
be. It makes no
sense whatever in this "land of the
free and home of the brave."
Although Almigbty God certainly
our modern society to fester
with its wretched sickness, He has
a way
that would prevent all
the confusion, the suffering, the hate
and violence tbat we see growing
around us daily. And most of you
realize deeply and fully that
the politicians, scientists and leaders
- simply does NOT have the answer.
The Crusade for Sanity
There is a last train to sanity. It's
about to leave the station. Would you
like to get aboard?
That may sound rather metaphori–
cal. But in all too many ways it is
terrifyingly true.
Of course, men have always had
their "crusades" and their causes in
this mixed-up, confused world. Most
are very sincere in this type of thing.
Roderick C. Meredith
But they do NOT give solutions for the
swiftly mounting crisis of worldwide
FAMINE. They do NOT give any real
solutions to the nuclear arms race–
daily threatening EXTINCTION of al!
human life from the face of this
earth! They do not even
solutions to the mushrooming prob–
Jems of polluted lakes and rivers and
polluted air. Too many votes would
be lost if they did! And how many
voters would literally
switch parties
if sorne candidate carne out with a
ringing condemnation of parents,
educators, preachers, child psycholo–
gists and theorists for utterly FAILING
to instill in the new generation a deep
and abiding respect for the laws of
God and man?
Do you get the picture?
of PEACE have they
But our God
and Creator has REVEALED a way to
within our bor–
ders, and for mutual respect and
tranquility among all nations of the
The proclamation of THAT WAY is
what this Work of God is all about! It
is to be given to the world as a "wit–
ness" just before the END of this pres–
ent age (Ma tthew
24: 14).
is a liter–
al CRUSAOE for SANITY-invoJving a
willingness on man's part to obey the
revealed physical and spiritual LA
that would produce peace, happiness
and universal prosperity.
The power of this crusade is
GROWING mightily-and increasing
tens of thousands of men and women
are beginning to take part in what
they see is "the last train to sanity."
Frankly, this Work is sponsored
and endowed by NO ONE except God
Himself. As the work of John the
Baptist-"the voice of one crying out
in the wilderness"-so this present
Work of God stands ALONE and is
from all other groups andorga–
nizations of men in proclaiming
Christ's true message.
Your Bible says in Amos
"Surely the Lord God will do noth–
ing, but he REVEALETH his secret
unto bis servants the prophets." This
Work stands ALONE in revealing the
of what is taking place on
the world scene today and what WILL
very soon take place in major world
events! As our longtime readers well
know, we no longer merely say some–
thing is "going" to happen, but often
that it is happening
right now.
As Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's
voice has thundered over the air for
more than a third of a century, Brit–
ain is swiftly descending in dignity
and might as a world power. As we
prophesied ahead of
time for decades, the Britisl1 Empire
is virtually GONE! The greatest sea
gate on earth-the Suez Canal-is
from the British Empire and
Western control! Spain is pressuring
Britain for control of Gibraltar. And
America has
given away
great sea gate, the Panama Canal!
Again, as we have warned for
more than a third of a century, a
United States of Europe is swiftly
rising, which portends terrible trou–
ble for the British Commonwealth