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As long as they remained in the LAND of Israel and
themselves "the KJNGDOM OF ISRAEL" their identi–
ty was known. But in Assyria they were no longer a nation
with their own govcrnment and their own king. They were
mere slaves. They took up the language of the Assyrians
as succeeding generations grew up. They lost the Hebrew
language as biblical prophecy said they would. T hey lost
all national identity.
After severa! generations, the tribe of Joseph, d ivided
into the
tri bes of Ephraim and Manasseh, carne to call
themselves British. T hey retained a few Hebrew ear–
in Hebrew means "covenant," and
means "man." Thus, in Hebrew,
means "cov–
enant man," which, truly, they are.
The tribe of Reuben settled in the country that is
France today. They had lost their national identity. But
the French have the very characteristics of their ancestor,
Reuben. Today, through our free booklet in the French
language revealing this ancestry and national identity,
thousands of French people are beginning to learn thei r
own true identity.
T he TEN TRIBES, known as the house of ISRAEL, lost
their identifying tag-God's Sabbath.
That is why they lost their national identity!
Jews Are Recognized
But JUDAH kept the Sabbath! They did not continue long
to keep it holy, or to keep it
God's way- but
they did
recognize it, as they do today, as the day of rest they
acknowledge and observe. Result? All the world looks on
them as the chosen people of God! T he world thinks they
are ISRAEL- not merely Judah!
The Jews' identity has not been lost! And since their
identity as racial descendants from ancient Israel is
known- and that of the far more numerous " LOST TEN
known- the world supposes that the Jews
are ISRAEL, instead of JUDAH. The J ewish people believe it
themselves! And so, here again, the whole world is de–
ceived, even as to the true identity of who really
chosen birthright people of God!
Yes, the Sabbath, God's day-the true Lord's day- is,
after all, the day for our people doubly: first, because it is
for ALL people of Goo, even Gentile-born people who are
now Christ's; secondly, because racially, even by fleshly
birth, it is God's day which He gave our own forefathers
and commanded to keep holy FOREVER!
Israel Made Slaves
Do you know WHY the kingdom of Israel was invaded by
Assyria, conquered, removed from their land as slaves in
721-718 a.c.? Do you know WHY the J EWS (kingdom of
J udah) were later taken captive and scattered over the
world? Both houses of Israel were sent into national pun–
ishment and banishment from Palestine because they
broke God's Sabbath!
Does it make any difference? l t certainly made a lot of
Ezekiel prophesied: "As
was among
the captives by the river of Chebar
the heavens were opened, and
visions ofGod ..
(Ezekie/ 1:1).
difference to Goo! And He says He has not changed- He
is the
yesterday, today, and forever! (Heb. 13:8.)
First, see why the J ews were invaded, conquered by
Nebuchadnezzar and taken into Babylonian captivity dur–
ing the years 604-585 a.c.
Seventy years after that captivity, according to J ere–
miah's prophecy (J er. 29:
many of the Jews returned
to Palestine to rebuild the temple and restare the worship
there. T he prophct Nehemiah tells why they had been
driven into captive slavery 70 years befare: " In those days
saw I in Judah sorne treading wine presses on the sabbath,
and bringing in sheaves, and lading asses; as also wine,
grapes, and figs, and all manner of burdeos, wbich they
brought into Jerusalem
on the sabbath day:
against them in the day wherein they sold victuals....
Then I contended with the nobles of J udah, and said unto
them, What evil thing is this that ye do, and profane the
sabbath day? Did not your fathers thus, and did not our
God bring all this evil upon us, and upon this city? Yet ye