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lhe Church at lhe beginning was nearly allogelher Jewish!
So lhe J.Ew, even though a Christian in God's CHURCH, is
BOUND to keep God's Sabbath as a perpetua! covenant,
lhroughoul his generations, FOREVER!
Now, does God have TWO KINDS of Christians? fs it SIN
for a Jewish Christian to break lhe Sabbath, and sin for
all olhers to KEEP it? Must Jewish Chrislians assemble on
the Sabbath, and those of other nationalilies on Sunday?
Didn't Jesus say a house divided againsl itself would
Are lhere TWO KINDS of Chrislians? Read Galatians
3:28-29: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neilher
bond nor free, lbere is neither maJe nor female: for ye are
ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS. And if ye [Gentiles) be
Christ's, tben are
Abraham's seed, and heirs according
to the promise."
. So, since the Sabbath is BINDJNG TODAYon the Jewish
part of God's Church, and there is no difference--we are
all ONE in Cbrist-it is a lso binding
We Are Israel
2) Bul tbere is another answer to this argumenl: The
peoples of the United States, the British Commonwealth
nations, and the nations of northwestern Europe
fact, lhe peoples of the TEN TRIBES of the HOUSE OF
ISRAEL. The Jewish people are the house of JUDAH.
But JF the Sabbath is God's SJGN lo idenlify His people
Israel, then why don'l our nations keep it today?
The answer to that question is the answer to another:
Why are the Ten Tribes of lhe HOUSE OF IsRAEL called
"the LosT Ten T ribes"? And why do our nations think
they are Gentiles? Why don't they KNOW their true iden–
Ah, now we have a staggering, starlling, surprising
lruth to reveál! Here's a dumbfounding truth, far slranger
than ficlion!
Here are FACTS, hidden for centuries, more intriguing
than a mystery novel! Why is the Sabbath called, disre–
spectfully, sneeringly, "the
Sabbath"? WHY does
lhe world lhink all Israelites are Jews, and that the Jews
are ALL of the Israelites?
Here's an astonishing surprise to those who have be–
lieved lhal! The Jews are only a small minority of lhe
Israel Lost Sign
Nowhere in all the Bible are any of the ten-tribed nation
of Israel called Jews. That name--JEws- applies only lo
the kingdom of JUDAH. Jews are lsraelites, truly- but
of the Israelites are Jews!
Almosl immediately on being made a king, Jeroboam
became afraid that, when bis people journeyed to Jerusa–
lem to attend the annual festivals, they would see and
desire Rehoboam again for their king. He took swift
aclion to protect his own position.
The tribe of Levi composed the priesthood. They were
the leaders- the best educated. The Levites, living off the
tilhes, had enjoyed incomes lwo or three times larger than
the other tribes. With one swifl stroke, Jeroboam d·emoled
the Levites, set the lowest and most ignorant of people to
be the priests. He could control them! Tbus he would
control the religion, like Gentile kings had always done.
Thereupon many, if nol most, of the Levites went back
into tbe kingdom of JUDAH- and became known as
So immediately Jeroboam set up two great idols for his
people to worsbip. He ordered the faU festivals to be
observed in the
month, at a place of
north of Palestine--instead of in the seventh month, and
at Jerusalem as GOD ordered (1 Kings 12:28-32). Also
Jeroboam changed lhe Sabbath day from the sevenlh to
the eighth-that is, to the day
the seventh day,
which, of course, was actually the
day of the week.
Thus he set the day for worship to coincide with the pagan
DAY OF THE SUN, now called Sunday!
Through the rule of
kings and seven successive
dynasties, the ten-tribed house of Israel continued in the
basic twin sins of Jeroboam: idolatry and Sabbath-break–
ing. Severa! of the kings added other evil and sinful prac–
Israel Made Slaves
Bul in 721-718 e.c., God caused the house of Israel to be
invaded and conquered by the kingdom of Assyria. These
Israelites were removed from their farms and their cities
and laken to Assyria on the soulhern shores of the Cas–
pian Sea
as s/aves.
But the house of JUDAH-the Jews, a
separate and different nation- were not invaded unlil
Two or lhree generalions afler the captivity of Israel,
however, the Chaldeans rose to WORLD POWER, forming
lhe first WORLO-ruling empire. Under Nebuchadnezzar
lhe Chaldeans (Babylon) invaded J UDAH
The Assyrians- before
e.c.-left their land north
of Babylon and migrated northwest-through the lands
lhal are now Georgia, lhe Ukraine, Poland, and into the
land lhal is called GERMANY loday. Today the descen–
danls of lhose Assyrians are known lo usas lhe GERMAN
The people of ten-lribed Israel also migrated northwest.
Though the Assyrians had laken Israel inlo captivity, the
lsraelites did not remain as slaves of the Assyrians in
Europe. They continued on a little further-into Weslern
Europe, the Scandinavian península, and the British
Now why did they come lo be known as the "LOST Ten
Tribes" ? They had lost their nalional identifying sign!
King Jeroboam had changed their day of worship from
the seventh lo the first day of the week- the day of the
SUN-Sunday! Al1 succeeding kings followed this practice,
as well as idolatry!
The PLAIN TRUTH May 1979