Many have been curious about the Ambassador Int ernational Cultural Foundation (AICF). How
did it begin? What is the basic philosophy behind the foundation and its publication,
Who is involved in these enterprises? What original/y sparked their concept? What are their goals
and purposes? Here is "the scoop, " the inside story, of an amazing foundation associated with
many humanitarian and cultural programs throughout the United States and the world al large.
Stanley R. Rader
you are one who is aware of daily happenings on the world scene, it
must be obvious that humanity is plunging headlong into a variety of
global problems that threaten its very existence. Nuclear proliferation is
an ever-present reality. lnternational racial and rel igious warfare are
never out of
the headlines
for long. Gov–
ernments try
in vain to control infiation. These are the ugly facts of our everyday life.
at the same time, human beings show such tremendous capacity and creativity
that it sometimes leaves us gasping. Men go to the moon and back safely. Super-
sophisticated space hardware sits on Mars, takes detailed photographs, records
and analyzes scientific data of every type and sends the results back to
earth. We are continually amazed by sorne new accomplishment at the
hands of man. This is an age of incredible paradox! The age of paradox
has at least partially sparked the age of discontinuity. Because of the
incredible pressures created by the problems that are everywhere extant in this world, large parts of
the population have reacted negatively.
seems that everything is subject to attack in this time of
hypercriticism. Reacting to the stresses and strains of the space age,
people are openly questioning traditions held dear for millen–
The family, marriage, government- traditional bastions of so–
ciety which t ransmitted most of the values and ideals of the past- are
now being assailed as outmoded, obstructionist, and virtually unwork–
able. This revolution in thought and behavior has been more sweeping,
more violent, and more destructive than any in modern history. In recent
years the Western world has witnessed wide-rang–
ing and continuing attacks on almost every ideal,
institution or tradition associated with the past.
Even traditional respect for law and order and the
rights of others has been challenged, denounced and
treated with contempt.
It seems that not every–
body be:_lieves in the continuity or propagation of
true values anymore. AICF has experienced its birth pangs in such a world.
Never was such an enterprise of positive hope more needed.
How Did lt All
The philosophical basis for the AICF and the correlated
Storyof theAmbassador InternationalCultural Foundation
PLAIN TRUTH February 1979