Where did Jeremiah go with Baruch his secretary and
one or more of the roy:d daughters of the king? History
stops short at this point. Enlightened students of Bible
history have long known that the Ten
the name "house of Israel"-have been lost in identity
and historie knowledge, and exist today among the Gen–
tire nations, unrecognized. Their identity and location
God has hidden from the world.
Yet, in this end time, when knowledge is to increase,
when the "wise" are to
(Dan. 12:4,1 0), we
shall find the secret revealed. through PROPHECY which
could not be understood unlil now. But first, we must con–
sidera mysterious "breach" that occurred in the days of
Judah, son of Jacob.
The Myaterlous " Breach"
J udah was the father of twin sons. The firstborn was royal
seed, for through him the sceptre promise was to be car–
ried down. It seems the midwífe knew twins were about to
be born.
is recorded that just bcfore birth one of the
twins "put out bis hand: and the midwife took and bound
upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This carne out
first." But the child dréw back his hand and the other was
actually born first.
The midwife exclaimed, " How hast thou l:iroken forth?
this breach be upon thee [margin, wherefore hast thou
made this breach against thee?]: therefore his name was
called Pharez," meaning "breach." The other twin was
named Zarah (Gen. 38:27-30).
Why should this strange occurrence be recorded in Bi–
ble history unless tbis breach was to be
the sons or their descendants at sorne future time? Yet ít
never occurred in their lifetime.
Zarah, of the scarlet thread, had live sons (1Chron. 2:6).
Did a descendant of Zarah finally get the throne, in a manner
the breaeh? David, Zedekiah, Christ-all were of the
PHAREZ branch-none of Zarah.
Now consider 1) the
of the breach means the
transfer of the sceptre from the Pharez to the Zarah
line. 2) Such transfer never occurred before King Zede–
kiah of Judah, who was descended from Pharez. 3)
Therefore it had to occur
Zedekiah was dethroned.
4) Since David's line (Pharez) is to
on the
throne through all generations forever, it could only oc–
cur at an OVERTURN of the throne by a marriage be–
tween a Pharez heir to the throne and one of the Zarah
line, thus healing the breach.
The Three Overturns
History shows the descendants of Zarah bccame wander–
ers, journeying to the north within the confines of the
Scythian nations, their descendants later migrating to lre–
land in the days of King David.
But meanwhile, the Pharez-David-Zedekiah line pos–
sessed the sceptre-was HIGH- exalted. The Zarah line,
feeling it rightfully should possess the sceptre, and sorne
PLAIN TRUTH February 1979
day would, was low, abased- so far as royal power was
Now consider a much misunderstood· passage of
prophecy. If you will begín reading at the 18th verse of the
21st chapter of Ezekiel, you wíll see plainly that the Eter–
na! is here speaking of the captivity of Judah by the king
of Babylon. And, beginning in the 25th verse, He says:
"And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel [Zedekiah],
whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end, thus
saith the Lord God; remove the diadem, and take off the
crown [as did happen, through
half of J eremiah's
commission]: this (the crown) shall not be the same:
him that is
him that is
1 will over–
turn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until
he come whose right it is; and 1 wi ll give it him."
Let us understand that clearly. "Remove the diadem,
and take off the crown." King Zedekiah, of David's dy–
nasty, had the crown. This says it is to be removed.
lt was
He died in Babylon; his sons and all the nobles
of Judah were killed.
"This shall not be the same." T he diadem is not to
cease, but a change is to take place- the throne is to be
overturned-another is to wear the crown. God's
to David is not to go by default!
"Exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high."
Who is "high"? King Zedekiah of J udah. Now he is to be
abased. He is to lose that crown. Judah has been "high,"
whilc Israel has been "low"- these many years without a
king (Hosca 3:4). The Pharez line has been "high"; the
Zarah line "low."
" 1will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no
more, until he come whose right it is." What was to be
overturned? T he diadem, and the throne. Not once-it is
to be overturned
three times.
Overturned by abasing Zed–
ekiah, the house of J udah, the Pharez line, and exalting,
now, the house of Israel, and one of the Zarah line! The
first of the three overturns was performed as the first half
of Jeremiah's commission.
"And it shall be no more." Does this mean the throne–
the crown-is to cease to exist? Not at all! How could it be
two more
times- that is, TRANSFERRED from
one to another , if it ceased to exist? How, after these three
transfers of the crown, could it be given to Him-Christ–
whoseright it is, at Hissecondcoming, ifitceased altogether
to exist? How could he who was "low" now be exalted by the
crown, if that crown was to be no more? No, the meaning is:
shall be no more
until the second coming of
Christ"! And then itshall bcgiven to Him!
God will not break His unalterable promise made to
David! Through every generation David shall have a de–
scendant wearing that crown! The
half of Jere–
miah's commission must now be performed. T hat throne
must be transPLANTED, and again BUJLT. The crown must
to another!
(To Be Continued)