This prophet was Jeremiah. Jeremiah played a strange
and little realized role in this captivity.
Something of the importance of this mission may be
gleaned from this significant fact: The Bíble mentions
three meo only who were sanctified for their respective
offices before they were born-and of these three Jere–
miah was the first. The other two were John the Baptist
and Jesus Christ!
The Eterna! first spoke to Jeremiah when he was but a
young lad about, sorne evidence indicates, seventeen years
of age. By the time his mission was completed he was an
aged, white-haired patriarch.
This vital yet little-known call and commission is de–
scribed in the openíng verses of the first chapter of the
book of Jeremiah. " Before l formed you in the womb 1
knew you," the Eterna! said to him, "and before you were
boro 1 consecrated you; l appointed you a prophet to the
nations" (Jer. 1:5, RSV).
But Jeremiah was frightened-afraid! "Ah, Eterna!
God!" he replied. " Behold, 1do not know how to speak, for
I am only a youth."
But the Eternal answered, "Do not say, '1 am only a
youth'; for to all to whom 1 send you you shall go, and
whatever 1command you you shall speak. Be not afraid of
them, for
am with you to deliver you" (verses 6-8).
Then the Eternal put forth His hand and touched Jer–
emiah's mouth. "See," said God, " l have set you this day
over nations
and over kingdoms,
to p/uck up and to break
down, to destroy and to overthrow,
PLANT" (verses 9-1 0). Or, as this tremendous commission
is worded in the Authorized Version: "to root out, and to
pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to BUlLO,
Notice, Jeremiah was set over NATJONs-more than one
kingdom. He was a Jewish lad, living in Judah. He was set
a prophet over Judah-but not Judah
Over NA–
TJONS- over KINGOOMS! He was set over these kingdoms
to do
things: first, to "pluck up," or "root out," to
"pull down," or to "overthrow," and second, TO BUJLD,
Not Realized Today
Look at it in your own Bible! Jeremiah was used of Godas
a prophet to warn the nation Judah of their transgressions
against God's government and ways. He was sent to warn
this rebellious nation of impending punishment-their in–
vasion and captivity at the hands of the Chaldean armed
forces-unless they acknowledged their guilt and changed
their ways. He was used as a go-between-an intermedi–
ary- between the kings of Judah and Babylon.
It is well known that Jeremiah was used in warning
Judah of the impending captivity, and the "pulling down"
or "overthrowing" of
the throne ofDavid
in the Kingdom
of Judah.
is generally understood that the house of Judah was
invaded by the armies of King Nebuchadnezzar; that the
"See, 1 have this day set thee over the
nations and over the kingdoms, to root
out, and to pul/ down, and to destroy,
and to throw down, to build, and to
p/ant'' (Jeremiah
Jews were taken captive to Babylon ; that they ceased from
being a kingdom; that there no longer existed a ruler of
David's dynasty on the throne over the Kingdom of Ju–
What, then. does this mean? Did God, at last, forget
His covenant promise to David that David's dynasty
never cease- that
David's throne was established
in Solomon
continue through ALL GENERATIONS FOREV–
ER? Had God Almighty now forgotten that He had sworn
that He would not alter this promise-even though the
kings and the people rebelled and sinned? The faithfulness
of Goo is at stake. The inspiration of the Holy Bible as
His revealed WORO is at stake!
But note it! See it in your own Bible! Jeremiah was
divinely commissioned to
pul/ down
and to
very throne of David in Judah-but notice the second half
of the commission. To BUlLO ANOTO PLANT! To build and
plant WHAT?
PLAIN TRUTH February 1979