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The "Lost Tribes of Israel" didn't just vanish-they went on to become some of the richest nations
in the wor/d today. But just who are they? And what does it have to do with your futu re?
Herbert W. Armstrong
me now to one of the most fascina ting a
the adu ltecies of that faith less one,
1had sent her
and gripping phases of this strange story of Israel-in- away with a decree of divorce; yet her falsesister JuoAHdid
deed, the very connecting link between prophecy and not fear, but
she roo
went and played the harlot .... Faith-
present-day fulfillment-yet totally unrecognized by less ISRAEL has shown herself less guilty than false J uoAH"
(Jer. 3:6-11, Revised Standard Yersion).
After the house of Israel, the northern kingdom whose
Here, again, it is made distinctly plain that the 12 tribes
capi tal was Samaria, was driven into Assyr ian captivity, of Israel were divided into two totally separate nations.
721-718 B.C., the Kingdom of JUOAH continued on in the And yet opponents of the truth revealed in this series of
southern part of Palestine known as Judea. At that time articles deny these plain scriptures- and attempt to dis-
Judah, as a nation, had not yet rejected the government credit those who reveal it.
and religion of God. God had continued to keep His cove-
Now see how Judah (the Jews)- more than 130 years
nant with David. David's dynasty had continued on the after ISRAEL's captivity-also was removed from their
throne over
of the Israelites- the house of J UDAH-
land. They were taken as slaves to Babylon-not to Assyr-
the Jews.
ia, where ISRAEL had been taken.
But after Israel had become lost from view, J udah
"And the Eterna! said, l will remove JUDAH
out of
turned from the ways and government of God, going after
my sight, as 1 have removed ISRAEL, and will cast off this
the ways of the Genti le nations, sinning even worse than
city Jerusalem which 1 have chosen, and the house of
Israel, unti l finally the Eterna! drove Judah, too, into na- which l said,
name shall be there" (11 Kings 23:27).
tional captivity and slavery.
And so, more than 130 years after lsrael's captivity, the
Before Judah's apostasy, God had said, through the
time carne when God caused the Jews also to be driven out
prophet Hosea: "Though thou, ISRAEL, play the harlot, yet
of their land in national captivity and slavery.
Jet not J uOAH offend ..." (Hosea 4: 15). But later, the Eter–
na! said to Jeremiah: "Have you seen what she did, that
faithless one. ISRAEL, how she ... played the har–
lot? ... and her false sister JuoAH saw it. She saw that for
The PLAIN TRUTH February 1979
Jeremlah' s Strange Commission
For this purpose God raised up a very special prophet
whose real call and commission few indeed understand.