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ish life, etc. Fifty-two nations gave
us that right !
" In
there were only 85,000
Jews in Palestine. As a result of the
Ba lfour Declaration and mandate
from 52 nations, we brought in
600,000 Jews. But at the same time,
600.000 more Arabs also carne into
Palestine. so they would still out–
number us-so actua lly the Jews
brought 600,000 Arabs into Pales–
tine! Neither the Japanese nor the
Indians ever brought 600,000 of
their people into California! Now
the rate of Arab immigration into
Palestine-from Egypt, Iraq, Syria ,
Transjordan, Lebanon , Yemen ,
etc. - is greatly increased.
"Transjordan is four times as
large as Palestine. In
it had
300,000 population.
is about th e
same today- just a vast desert. But
the Jews have brought 600,000 Jews
and 600,000 Arabs into Palestine.
They have brought
into Palestine–
ample employment , the highes t
standard of living, good health, re–
moval of swamps and malaria
which killed so many Arabs before
we went back there. We brought all
these benefits and blessings to Arabs
as well asto Jews.
"There is room in Pa lestine for all
homeless Jews of the earth-and
without any harm to Arabs. And no
other country will accept these
homeless people! The condition of
those refugee Jews is tragic-yes,
one of the world's greatest tra–
gedies- and Pa lestine is the only so–
lution! R emember, 52 nation s
opened it up to us! No other nation
wi ll open its doors to us!
will not
injure the Arabs, nor even alter the
pro portion of population, since
every Jew also brings another Arab
into Palestine! And every Jew also
improves living conditions for that
additional Arab who moves in to
keep him outnumbered! We are
not harming, the Arabs!
Now where else are our tragically
homeless people to go? The United
States will not take in these Jews. In
South America. Brazi l receives 7,000
l ta lians. but no Jews- they don ' t
want us! Jews can't demand that
other countries takc in our people,
but Jews do have a right to demand
that Pa lestine. which 52 nations said
Jews have a right to enter, should
PLAIN TRUTH February 1979
receive us. Remember. the condition
of these homeless Jews is pitiful–
ye t. as soon as they a re admitted to
Palestine they become part of the
busy, industrious national life there,
an(! become useful, energetic, pro–
ductive ci tizens. They are no longer
a pitiful burden to anybody-they
are now a great
even to the
What Arabs and Jews Dld
In World War
" Prior to World War
there was no
independent Arab nation! All Arab
peoples were under Turkey!" The
Zionist leader was far from finished!
"After World War 1 the Arabs got
independence - Egypt , S a ud i
Arabia, Yemen, etc. They are still
just deserts-and just backward, un–
developed people- but they were
made independent! They didn ' t
contribute anything to the war- but
they got independence!
"The Jews participated ió the wa r
in the U.S., British, and other a r–
mies and played a n important
part-there was a special Jewish Le–
gion in World War 1-and yet a ll
our people got out of it was the
by 52 nations, to have a na–
tional home in Pa lestine!
"Now look at World War 11. A
million and a ha lf Jews participated
in Allied armies. The Palestinian
Jewish Brigade fought in the desert,
and in Italy against Rommel.
help supplied by Palestine Jews
which actually turned the tide of the
entire war in the Allies ' favor at El
Alamein. One of our greatest war
correspondents wrote a book about
J ewis h participa tion, called
Yes, America and
Britain seern to have forgotten their
Jewish ally! But now what did the
Arabs do? Arab leaders brought the
Nazis into Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.
The British had to force Egypt to
change its government from pro–
Nazi to King Faruk. No Arab coun–
try declared war. or entered the war,
against the Nazis until three months
before V-E Day- and
only to
get a place in the United Nations!
" Arab leaders from Pa lestine.
1raq and Syria fl ew to the side of
Hitler in
1941 -42
and worked with
him and helped him slaughter Jews!
The British have brought back to
Cairo the Arab Nazi leaders who
wo rk ed with H it le r in Be rl ín
through the war- but not one of
them has been so mueh as tried!
" Six million Jews were slaugh–
tered in Europe! My family was a ll
killed . .."
" ... and so was mine," interjected
Hapoel Ha tzair.
"Only one and a million
of these European Jews remain
a live, and now today everybody is
worried about how to feed the Nazis
and care for the poor defeated Ger–
mans-but these Jews are st ill home–
less, a nd no nation wi ll admit them!
Fifty-two nations gave them the
right to enter Palestine, but the
Arabs fight us, and the Arabs have
oil , and so Britain and America lis–
ten to Arabs!
"After this las t World Wa r, the
Arabs got additional new indepen–
dent nations out of it - I raq
(formerly British], Syria and Leba–
non [formerly French], and Trans–
jordan [previously under the British
and French]- all given indepen–
dence- and what for? As a rewa rd
for helping Nazis during the war!"
The Zionist leader was a little bitter
" But what do the Jews get out of
it for helping the Allies defeat Ger–
many? When we have these home–
less survivors from Hitler's race–
ha tred slaughter in their present
pitiful plight ,
get the door to our
homeland slammed in our faces!
After 25 years of the mandate from
52 nations which said it is the Jews'
to go back to Palestine, that
mandate is exercised by the British
fighting against any Jews who try to
go there-sending these Jews to
Cyprus and detention camps. plac–
ing them a s prisoners behind
barbed wires!
"The Arabs won six seats in the
United Nations. The Jews won
for their help in the war. We
have no representa tive-no voice
nor approach- in the United Na–
tions councils. Yet
sit in judg–
ment over our fate in Pa lestine and
give us not one voice !
" Palestine," Itzhak J. Karpman
concluded, " is
an independent
Arab nation a t a ll. but has been
under manda te to Great Britain. In
this mandate, those 52 nations
promised the Arabs
(Continued on page 39)