Page 4278 - 1970S

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Stanley R. Rader
The Times
London) hailed the talks at Camp David as "a big step toward peace. "
And indeed they were! But
must never be forgotten that they were only one step in an
agonizing step-by-step process on the long road to peace in the Middle East.
Writer's Note:
The value ofan account written so soon after the events may be arguable. Unlike World Wars
and II.
both ofwhich were brought toa successful climax by the Western powers, peace efforts in the Midd/e East are an ongoing
saga inlerspersed with an occasiona/ major confiagration and piecemeal acts of terrorism. Any article written under che
stress ofevents and with the knowledge available at the moment wi/1 no doubt show sorne shortcomings in 1he long term.
Nevertheless, there are also advantages in writing with the atmosphere of a major breakthrough Jresh in mind before
events begin to dim and mythmaking 1ends to take over.
(Article begins on next page)
PLAIN TRUTH January 1979