He would not necessarily rule over
the house of
Israel, or the Jews- but at least sorne of them, and
enough to form a nation.
be applied to mean thal lhere would not
have been a continuous throne, or lhat if applies only to
the "one seed"- Christ- finally coming to rule. Notice, it
says specifically, "... So that l will not take any of his
seed lo be RULERS [more than one] over" lsraelites.
speaking of conlinuous, multiple rulers-not one Ruler
coming to sit on a throne that 2,500 years before had
ceased to exist!
The COYENANT PROMISE to David is plain and definite.
Either his dynasty has continued and exists today, ruling
over the house of ISRAEL (not the Jews) , or God's Word
Remember again the sceptre promise, which includes
this line of kings until it culminates in CHRIST at His
second coming: "The sceptre
shall not depart from Ju–
dah, nora lawgiver
[margin, ruler's
staff]from between his
feet, UNT!L
SH!LOH [Christ] COME; and unto him shall
the gathering ofthe people be" (Gen. 49: 10).
the sceptre departed from Judah?
the throne
ceased? Or does it , as God so bindingly promised, exist
today so that Christ can take over and sit upon a func–
tioning, continuous throne when He comes?
The infallibility of the Bible ís at stake! God's Word is
at stake!
Chlldren of Israel Become Two Natlons
The house of lsrael
is not Jewish!
Those who constitute it
are not Jews,
and never were! That fact we shall now see
conclusively, beyood refute.
After David's death, his son Solomon succeeded him
to the throne over Israel. Solomon taxed the people
excessively and reigned in a gorgeous splendor probably
never egualled before or since.
He a lso married Gentile wives from outside nations.
Because of them, he burned incense and sacrificed to
Moloch and other idols. As a result of this , "the Eterna!
said unto Solomon, Forasmuch as this is done of thee,
and thou hast
kept my covenant and my statutes,
which I have commanded thee, I will surely rend
from lhee, and will give
lo thy servant.
thy days
will not do il for David
lhy father's sake; but l will rend it out of the hand of thy
son. Howbeit I will not rend away ALL
the kingdom;
will give
one tribe
to thy son for David my servant's sake,
and for Jerusalem's sake which I have chosen" (I Kings
Israel Separated from David's Throne
Note it!
the kingdom,
not part of it, which is to be
rent away.
is the
one tribe, wbich is to remain.
And note- for right here is expressed the great
this whole guestion- though Solomon himself deserved
to have it rent away, God will leave one tribe, not
because of leniency toward Solomon, but "FOR DAvro's
God has made a perpetua! covenant with David, un–
conditionally, which He cannot and will not break.
David's dynasty cannot be broken! That is the reason
the sceptre promise is not destroyed, but the ruler is to
be permitted to rule on, without a single generation's
gap, over at least a part of the children of Israel.
Jn I Kings ll :26 you read of Jeroboam, the son of
Nebat, an Ephrathite, or Ephraimite, Solomon's servant.
He was made ruler over the "house of Joseph"-or Eph–
raim and Manasseh.
Speaking to Jeroboam through Ahijah the prophel, the
Eterna! says: " Behold,
will rend lhe kingdom out ofthe
hand of Solomon, and will give
ten tribes
to thee....
Howbeit I will not take the whole kingdom out of his
hand ..
for David my servant's sake,
whom l chose,
kept my commandments and my statutes.
But I
will take THE KINGDOM out ofhisson's hand,and will give it
unto thee, even ten tri bes. And unto his son will
give one
that David my servan!
may have a
light alway before me in Jerusalem, the city which
chosen meto put my name there. And I will take thee, and
thou sbalt reign according to all that thy soul desireth, and
shalt be
king over Israel"
(I Kings ll :3 1-37).
These words make plain lwo facts: The
Israel is
to be taken away from Solomon's son and given to
Jeroboam. It is not just a tribe, or a few tribes, but
called by the title
which this Jeroboam, of
the tribe ofEphraim, is lo rule.
The len-tribed kingdom was lhe one to which the
nalional tille "Israel" was given. For truly, the name
" Israel" was named on lhe sons of Joseph! (Gen. 48: 16.)
are, the Bible calls them by lhe national
name ISRAEL. To lhe world, their identily today is lost.
But, in bíblica! prophecy, it is
the Jews- who
are called ISRAEL! And they were in, and headed, the
ten-tribed nation ISRAEL.
On the other hand, because ofHis promise to David, the
Eternalleftone tribe, Judah, in Jerusalem under the sonsof
Solomon, so that a son ofDavid mightcontinue tositon the
lhrone ofDavid over children oflsrael. God had promised
David, unconditionally, that the time would never come
when he would nol have a son or descendant sitting on the
throne ruling over children of Israel.
Now, in later actual history, we see that promise being
carried out-that coveoant made
The children
of Judah , though they do not constilute
the children
of Israel and lhough they are not called by that national
title, nevertheless
children of Israel, and lhus God
can keep His promise to David ; can avoid abolishing the
sceptre promises made to Abraham. lsaac and Jacob.
And at the same time God can visit punishment upon
Solomon by taking away the NATION Israel and leaving a
son of the sceptre promise sitting on the throne over only
one tribe. Note the very importan! point that, though a