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ecy to Jeremiah, being rooted out of Judah. During these
2.500 years between then and Christ's coming, it was to
be the throne of the house of ISRAEL!
After the coming of Chrisl to ru le, it is evident that
Israel is again to offer sacrifices, burnt offerings and
meat offerings. In Ezekiel's prophecy, from the 40th
chapter to the end of the book, covering this period after
Christ's coming, these sacrifices are mentioned. But. af–
ter Christ's return. when they are again to be offered, the
tribe of Levi will not have been destroyed-descendants
of the priestly tri be will still be living. Notice verse 18 of
Jeremiah 33: "Neither shallthe priests the Levites want
a man before me to offer burnt offerings. and to kindle
meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually." This
say they shall have, all these years prior to
Christ's coming, continually olfercd sacrifices. Other
scriptures show plainly sacrifices should
have been
offered by Christians after Christ's own sacrifice. and
they were not offered by Jcw!> after the destruction of the
Temple in A.D. 70. But other prophecies aiready quoted
show just as plainly that David's descendants should be
ruling on David's throne through all generations, begin–
ning with Solomon.
Since many of the Levites undoubtedly remained
among the Ten Tribes- although we know many contin–
ued among the Jews- and since those remaining among
the Ten Tribes have
los/ their identity
along wi th a ll Ten
Tribes. it· is entirely possiblc that many. if not most. of
the called true ministry of Jesus Christ through the
centuries have been of the tri be of Lcvi.
Notice. now, how
is God's covenant with
David. "Thus saith the Eterna!; If ye can break my
covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night. and
that there should not be day and night in their season;
then may also my covenant be broken with David my
servan!, that he should not have a son to reign upon his
throne ..."(verses 20-21 ).
What People Say
Continue: "Consideres! thou not what this people have
spoken, saying, T he two families which the Eterna! hath
chosen, he hath even casl them off? Thus they have
despised my people. that they should be no more a
nation before them' ' (verse 24).
That is what the
have been saying. as they wcre
prophesied to say! They say the Jews were scattered
among many. if not alJ, nations- scattered
but no longer a nation having its own government! And
the Ten Tribes were supposed to have been "lost." orto
have gone out of existencc, or to be just part of thc
scattcred individual Jews! Yes, so the Jews themselves
have said-and so the world has said! But whal docs
Continue. next verse: "Thus saith the Eterna!; lf my
covenant be not with day and night. and if 1 have not
appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth: then will
cast away the seed of Jacob. and David my servant. so
will not take any of his seed [dynasty] to be rulcrs
over the seed of Abraham. Isaac, and Jacob: for
cause their captivity to return. and have merey on them"
(verses 25-26).
The Test of Bible Truth
Strong words, those! Unless you can stop this old earth
from turning on its axis unless you can remove the sun
and the moon and stars from heaven. says the Almighty,
you cannot preven! Him from kceping His covenant to
continuously. through al/ genera1ions,
from the time of David and Solomon. a descendant of
David in one continuous dynasty on that throne!
(left) and $amaría (right) were the capital cities of the two separate nations Judah and Israel.