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Spiritual knowledge, the knowl–
edge of
the things of God,
be known by a natural-boro
human mind-cannot be known ex–
cept as REVEALED to those who have
and are being led by the Holy Spirit
God gave one "human spirit" to
be within man at birth. He freely
offered to Adam
through the symbolic "tree of life"–
the same Spirit He otfers to those
whom He calls out of this world to
His spiritual salvation.
To those who through real repen–
tance and faith do receive the Holy
Spirit, God says: "The Spirit [of
God] itself beareth witness with OUR
spi rit, that we are the children of
God" (Rom. 8: 16).
Verse 14 of 1 Corinthians 2 says:
"But the natural man receiveth not
the things of the Spirit of God: for
they (spiritual knowledge) are FOOL–
JSHNESS unto him: neither can he
know them, because they are spiri–
tually discerned." God says plainly
that the things of Goo- God's spiri–
tual KNOWLEDGE- are foolishness to
the natural carnal mind.
Now the "scholarly" mind of the
more highly educated is a natural,
carnal mind. Therefore the MOST JM–
Goo- the SPIRITUAL knowledge Of
WHY God put humanity on earth,
what is the true human POTENTIAL,
what is THE WAY to peace, happi–
ness, abundant well-being, the
knowledge Of the TRUE VALUES- ÍS
utterly UNKNOWN to such a mind.
These things are FOOLISHNESS
scholarly mind.
But what of this world's highly
educated minds? God says of them:
"Professing themselves to be wise,
they became FOOLS" (Rom.
God says: "For the wisdom of this
world is FOOLISHNESS with God"
Cor. 3: 19).
God did not call me to found a
coll ege based on thi s world 's
"higher education," which God la–
beis as FOOLISHNESS! But HOW, then,
was Christ, the living HEAD of God's
Church, to organize a college that
would be Goo's college? The only
personnel available for faculty-for
the TEACHING statf-were those in–
doctrinated with the "wisdom of this
world ." These were not people pos–
sessing God's Holy Spirit, skilled in
PLAIN TRUTH September 1978
both the arl of TEACHING and in the
knowledge of the more important
SPlRITUAL things.
did the only thing possible, the
only available choice:
statfed the
college with, as
remember, three
PhDs, three MAs, and two BAs,
both of whom were pursuing higher
degrees in this world's universities.
How, then, was Ambassador to
become Goo's college? How were
students to be taught the THINGS of
Goo? 1 recognized clearly that
self, as the ONLY avai lable faculty
memberpossessingSPIRITUAL knowl–
edge, must DOMINATE the teaching
statf and inculcate THE KNOWLEDGE
OF Goo into the students.
The carnal mind of " higher edu–
cation" becomes CO MP ET ITIVE .
There was inevitably a clash of
was away on a
broadcasting mission, just before
the opening of the college on Octo–
ber 1, 1947, the "scholarly" faculty
members attempted to throw God
out of the college! 1 had left all the
academic portion of the first year's
catalog for them to complete. They
reduced the course in Bible and
theology to a minor two-hour class.
had intended it to be a MAJOR
three-hour class.
But in this atmosphere of com–
petition introduced by these carnal
academic minds,
compelled all
faculty members to ATTEND the
Bible and theology class- wHrCH 1
TAUGHT. They became very uncom–
fortable, to say the least. For God
gave me the wisdom and the POWER
to back them into a corner with UN–
ANSWERABLE truths. The fact they
could not dispute my teaching was
galling to tbem.
have said,
fought, bled and
died that first three years ro MAKE
God was with me. God inspired me.
And 1woN that battle!
By the fourth year.
was able to
place a few senior students (such as
Herman Hoeh and Raymond McNair)
on the faculty as STUDENT teachers–
teaching freshman and sophomore
classes. Ambassador BECAME Goo's
But these recent years, the persist–
ent urge of my son and of faculty to
acquire "accreditation" by the asso–
ciations of higher education of this
world- representatives of what God
calls the FOOLISHNESS of this world's
wisdom- began to bring gradually
more and more of the "scholarly"
academicians of this world into the
faculty . Gradually, the invisible
Satan managed to maneuver more of
that type of professional into the
faculty. Men like Dr. Herman Hoeh ,
Dibar Apartian, Dr. Roderick C. Me–
redith were DEMOTED into meager
preaching posi tions.
The coup had become complete.
Satan's conspi racy had made Am–
bassador truly one of THIS WORLD's
educational institutions. Morals re–
laxed. A new secular and NON-God
a tmosphere prevailed. Even the
Worldwide Church of God was be–
coming Laodicean, secular. God's
Spirit was on the way out!
And THAT is why God has roused
TAKE OVER- why the living
CHRIST has stepped in to HEAD
God' s Church and to set both
church and college back on God's
track! T ruly Satan had all but
WRECKED the Ch urch, the college,
and the Work of the living God.
had jumped the track where God
through me had set it!
That is WHY
have been led by
CHRIST to move swiftly to resume
human LEADERSHIP- tO put the
Church and its work back on God's
track! The professional academi–
cians that had been brought into the
coiJege faculty won't like it! They
wi iJ RIDICULE what Christ through
me has done! To THEM it will be
have installed Mr. Raymond
MeN air, who carne to Ambassador
in its second year- 1948- as deputy
chancellor. He was deputy chancel–
lor of Ambassador Co ll ege at
Bricket Wood, England, fo r sorne 14
years. Under him that campus pro–
duced sorne of our BEST MEN.
installed Dr. Roderick
as dean of the faculty. 1 have rein–
stated Dr. Herman
Hoeh on the
1 have put Goo's TEAM back into
will be "FOOLISHNEss" to those
brainwashed by Satan's world's
higher education!
wi ll be ridiculed
by them. But God calls their wisdom
FOOLISHNESS!And 1am NOTaccount–
able to them but to God!
Ambassador is to become once
again Goo'S OWN COLLEGE! O