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Personal from...
(Continuedfrom page 1)
"But after
years 1 MYSELF
[Christ] will return to earth and re–
store the government of God on
earth for
years. And then,
with Satan banished, I will call all
still then living to spiritual salvation
and eterna! life which you, Adam,
have rejected.
"And further, after that thou–
sand-year reign of MY GOVERNMENT
over humanity,
will bring back by
a resurrection from the dead to mor–
tal, human, fleshly life ALL whom 1
shall not have previously called to
my salvation. Then, with Satan ban–
ished, they shall view the evils, the
heartaches. the troubles and fright–
ful sufferings which Satan's in–
fluence shall have brought on all
during this
years. And then
they shall CHOOSE life in my King–
This world descended from Adam
has formed its own governments.
And look at them! They are torn by
strife, wars, and human anguish and
death. This world has devised, un–
der Satan's influence, ITS owN RELI–
GIONS! What a hodgepodge of
ridiculous foolishness! This world
(subtly influenced and deceived by
Satan) has formed its OWN fund of
KNOWLEDGE- and its own educa–
tional structure for the dissemina–
tion ofthat false knowledge!
This evil world's system of educa–
tion, with the MOST VITAL dimen–
Now WHY has this world spawned
a system of educalion shot through
with materialism, false values, ri–
diculous philosophies and vain the–
ories (such as evolution)? WHY do
we find
the knowledge of
WHY we are; what we are; what our
human potential is; and what THE
WAY to happiness, peace, universal
prosperity a nd JOY is?
To understand this , we need
again to discern the nature of the
human mind!
We need lo understand, once
again, the vital difference betwcen
animal brain and human mind. And
we need lO undersland the IN–
COMPLETENESS Of the human mind,
what is lacking!
ScientislS have dissected both ani–
mal brains and human brains. The
brains of whales, elephants, and
dolphins are larger than the human
brain-those of chimps and similar
vertebrales somewhat smaller. But
in construction qualitatively they
are virtually EQUAL. Yet the human
brain has an output thousands of
times greater than any animal brain.
Scientists who are willing to ad–
mit it have found , in the new science
of brain research, that there is a
componen! of the
human brain that is nonexistent in
animal brains.
This nonphysical component is
SPIRIT ESSENCE, present from birth
in humans but not in animals. This
"human spirit" imparts the power of
intellect to the physical brain!
This is definitely revealed in the
Bible. Job spoke of
the spirit in man.
In 1 Corinthians 2: 11 it is revealed
that no man could possess KNOWL–
EDGE of the human mind except by
"the spirit of man which is in him."
But this same verse-and its entire
context- reveals that just as no man
could KNOW human knowledge ex–
cept by the "spirit of man which is
in him," likewisc no man can know
the things of Goo-spiritual prin–
cipies and spi ritual knowledge- un–
less the Holy Spirit of God is also in
This human spiril in every human
is NOT the human person- is NOT an
immortal soul - is NOT the LJFE of
the man. Technically it is no part of
the man himsel f.
is something
ADDED-something that is IN the
man (or woman).
"God formed MAN of the dust of
lhe ground, and breathed into his
nostrils lhe breath of life; and MAN
[physical matter] BECAME a living
soul" (Gen. 2:7). What was com–
posed of the material dust of the
ground - the wholly MATERIAL
a living soul. The
"soul" therefore is physical matter–
not spirit!
Yet within lhat PHYSICAL man
sprung from the earth-earthy- is a
spirit in each human. That spi rit is
NOT a Spirit BEING Or PERSON, but
mere spirit ESSENCE, just as air or
wa ter may be called essence. The
spirit in man cannot see or hear.
The physical BRAIN sees through the
eyes and hears through the ears.
The spirit in MAN cannot THINK- the
brain does the thinking.
Then HOW does this spirit within
each human impart the power of
intellect to the physical BRAIN?
like a "human computer."
Nearly all KNOWLEDGE comes lO
the human mind through the eye or
the ear- some by the senses of smell,
taste, and feel. But the eye cannot
SEE spirit nor the ear HEAR spirit or
spiritual knowledge or the THINGS
OF Goo! Neither can a human
smell, taste or feel SPIRITUAL things
or knowledge.
This is clearly explained in this
second chapter of I Corinthians.
" But as it is written, Eye ha th not
seen , nor car heard, neither have
entered into the heart [mind] of
man, the things which God halh
prepared for lhem lhat !ove him"
(verse 9).
But what the eye does see, and
the ear hear, is merely the physical
and material- matter that occupies
space and has weight-whether or–
ganic or inert. As knowledge, lim–
iled to the physical and material ,
enters the brain through the five
senses, it automatically is " pro–
grammed" into lhe human SPIRIT.
This spi rit is the chief depository of
MEMORY. This material knowledge is
STORED, FILED, "programmed" into
the spirit that is IN the man.
Thus the physical BRAIN of
humans is given instant recaU.
supplied instantly with whatever
knowledge stored in the human
spirit is needed at the moment for
The physical human brain puts
this recalled knowledge together in
the process Of REASONING Or THJNK–
ING. The animals do not possess
such a spirit. Their memory quo–
tient is limited, and much of it is
temporary. This limits the abili ty of
the animal lo THJNK, compared to
human thinking, to virtually nil.
But aU this is thinking a nd rea–
soning with physical and material
knowledge SOLELY.
Then how maya human come to
know- to have the KNOWLEDGE of–
the thíngs of God?
The very next
verse in 1 Corinthians 2 explains:
"But God hath REVEALED them unto
us (converted Christians] BY HIS
PLAIN TRUTH September 1978