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(Continued from page 13)
formaldehyde together at tempera–
tures below 200° C. In sorne experi–
ments, a source of energy in the
form of ultraviolet light or an elec–
tric discharge was needed, but this
merely corresponded to radiation
from the sun, or to the presence of
Chalk one up for evolution.
Yet the question remained: Could
amino acids be produced by natural
causes without the assistance of
men? The answer turns out to be
yes! In several studies, scientists of
the Nat10nal Aeronautics and Space
Administration have found up to 17
different amino acids in meteorites
from outer space. Interestingly. the
researchers find an almost equal
number of "left-handed " and
"right-handed" amino acids.
What do we mean by "left–
handed" and "right-handed" amino
acids? Simply this: Every amino acid
(with the exception ofglycine) found
in the proteinsofl iving organisms can
exist in two forms, each one the mirror
image of the o ther. Since they have
the same spatial relationship as a pa ir
ofgloves, one type is arbitrarily called
" right-handed" (D,
and the other "left-handed" (L,
The two forms are identical. They
have exactly the same chemical com–
position. They have exactly the same
physical properties: exactly the same
density, melting point, solubility. etc.
In fact, were it not for the fact tha t
they rota te a beam of polarized light
in opposite directions, they would be
virtuaUy indistinguishable.
How do scientists refute those who
might claim that the meteoric amino
acids are the result of contamination
after the meteorites reached the
earth? The answer is that the left–
handed configuration of amino acids
predominates on earth; yet mete–
orites contain an almos t equal num–
ber of left-handed and right-handed
amino acids. Therefore, it is ex–
tremely unlikely that contamination
of meteorites has occurred.
NASA scientists have concluded
that the discovery of meteoric am-
ino acids is "probably the first con–
clusive proof of extraterrestrial
chemical evolution"-that is, such
discoveries prove that amino acids
can be produced away from the
earth from simple molecules by pre–
sumably natural causes.
Chalk another one up for evolu–
On the contrary. "Chemical evo–
lution" is
biological evolution.
The result of a few chemicals ran–
domly joining together is very dis–
tinct and incalculably far
from the "simplest" living organism.
There is less than
one chance
in a hundred thousand
billion billion
billion billion billion
billion billion
that even a single one
of all the protein
molecules that ever
existed on
earth would, by chance
alone, have only
left-handed amino acids!
In this and the accompanying article,
sorne ofthe incredibly remo te proba–
bilities a re discussed as to the likeli–
hood tha t molecules would "line up."
But for these molecules to actually
chemically combine would be still
even more unlikely. In addition, one
would have to consider the chance
that the resulting chemical chain
would have the proper three-dimen–
sional structure suitable for life.
Furthermore, the study of amino
acids in meteorites is actually high–
lighting the uniqueness of life by
underscoring an embarrassing fact
which every evolutionist must even–
tually face.
Since left-handed and right–
handed amino acids carry equiva–
lent amounts of chemical energy. it
is entirely expected that random
combinations of molecules would
produce equal amounts of both
right-handed (D) and left-handed
(L) amino acids. This is exactly wha t
is found in the "primitive atmo–
sphere" experiments and the mete–
orite analyses.
Now, if life truly evolved follow–
ing the random production of the D
and L forms of the necessary amino
acids. then we should find both
forms of amino acids in the proteins
of living organisms on earth.
But such is not the case! The am–
ino acids which are constituents of
proteins in living things are only the
L-amino acids! The D-amino acids,
whi le readily formed in the labora–
tory, are never found in the proteins
of any known form oflife! Why?
Consider the odds against even a
modest 400-amino-acid protein
forming with all left-handed ami no
acids. The original "primitive soup"
pres um a b ly wou l d hav e h a d
roughly equal amounts of L and D
amino acids, as stated above. Thus
each amino acid si te on our hypothet–
ical protein chain would have a one–
in-two or 50-50 chance of being left–
handed. Since each si te has a one- in–
two probability, the chances of the
fi rst
second site both being le ft–
handed is 1 in 2
or 1 in 4. For the first
three sites being left-handed, the
chances are l in 2
or 1 in 8.
follows that the probability for
all four hundred amino acids being
left-handed is one in 2
or about
one in 10
This means that, on the
average, there is one chance in
1,000,000 , 000.000, 000.000, 000 ,
000,000,000,000, 000.000, 000,000,
000,000,000, 000,000,000.000,000,
000,000,000,000, 000,000, 000,000.
000 that a ll the amino acids of a
chance combination will be a ll left–
handed! Or, to put it in words, the
odds are a thousand bill ion billion
billion billion billion billion billion
billion billion billion bill ion billion
billion to one against such a protein
forming by chance!
Such an unlikely probability is
impossible to comprehend, except
perhaps by comparison to other
large numbers. According to Dr.
Murray Eden of the Massachusetts
PLAIN TRUTH August 1978