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Moscow has a grand design f or Africa. Ironica/ly,
current United States and British policy may help pave the
way for a Soviet victory .
PLAIN TRUTH June/July 1978
rica's northeast tip becomes obvious
when looking at a map. By control–
ling the Horn of Africa and as much
of the Arab territory in the adjoin–
ing Red Sea basin and Persian Gulf
area as possible, the Communists
would be able to interdict the ftow
of oil to Western Europe and the
United States. Adding to this Red
pincer is the former British colony
of Aden, now the People's Demo–
cratic Republic of Yemen, located
at the tip of the Arabian península,
which has for sorne time been in the
Marxist camp.
The Horn strategy. moreover, is
but part of the greater Moscow
game plan for Africa and the
Middle East.
Orive North and South
In Africa the Kremlin's grand de–
sigo calls for the encirclement and
isolation of.Egypt in the north by
gradually toppling one government
after another on Egypt's ftanks.
Kenya and the Sudan are likely
subjects for future " liberation."
South of the Congo River few key
states stand in the way of a majar
Communist objective: the takeover
or neutralization of the Western-ori–
ented, white-ruled states of southern
Africa, with their immense mineral
resources and command ofthe Cape
route a nd approaches to the Indian
Ocean. Along the way. Zaire is to be
somehow neutralized. perhaps
through partial dismemberment.
(The firsl attempt al this failed early
last year, when a combined F rench–
Moroccan force was called in lo
beat back a Communist assaull
launched from Angola inlo Zaire's
southern Katanga province.)
The Marxisl states of Angola and
Mozambique, located on the ftanks
of Rhodesia, South West Africa and
South Africa, have already been
"liberated." (Angola is still in the
midst of a terrifying civil war, the
Cubans not having yel "stabilized"
the country.)
In line with its objective, Moscow
is exerting intense pressure
United Nalions for that so-called
"world body" not to accept the in–
terna! settlement recently reached in
Rhodesia between Prime Minister
lan Smith and three moderate black
was lhe Kremlin which
also lorpedoed Dr. Kissinger's ma-