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aint the map of Africa red
once again. But t his time
n't use the old color of the
British Empire; rather the scarlet of
the world's greatest imperialistic
power, the Soviet Union.
A new report just issued by the
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
reveals that Soviet inroads into Af–
rica represent the biggest colooialist
push into the continent in almost
100 years. Deputy CIA Director
Frank Carlucci told the U.S. Senate
Armed Services Intelligence Sub–
committee on April 10 sorne star–
tling facts:
• "The degree of Soviet and Cu–
ban military activity in sub-Saharan
Africa is unprecedented. We are
wi tnessing the most determined
campaign to expand foreign in–
fiuence in this troubled region since
it was carved up by the European
powers in the late 19th century."
• Soviet military equipment is
fiowing into Ethiopia and Angola
"faster than the local forces can ab–
sorb it." For its war against Somalia,
Ethiopia received close to $1 billion
in Soviet aid, including 400 tanks,
more than 50 MIG fighter planes
and "huge quantities of armored
cars, personnel carriers and artil–
• Soviet and Cuban generals in
Ethiopia "plan and coordinate com–
bat operations involving more than
16,000 Cuban troops."
• In Angola "tons of Soviet mili–
tary hardware litter the docks at
Luanda, and Soviet or Cuban ad–
visers are found at every leve! of the
government. ... There are more Cu–
ban soldiers in Angola than in
Ethiopia, thousands of them en–
gaged in active combat ... in the
southern part of the country." Alto–
gether there are 39,000 Cuban sol–
diers and advisors in Africa-one–
tenth of Cuba's entire army.
Mr. Carlucci also told the sena–
is my view that Moscow
and Havana inteod to take advan–
tage of every ... opportunity to
demonstrate that those who accept
their political philosophy can also
count on receiving their assistance
when it is needed."
While Moscow advances with im–
punity, the United States and much
of the rest of the free world is suffer–
ing from an almost total paralysis of
indecision. Worse yet , attempts that
have been made at countering
Soviet aggression have proved
inept and futile, helping seal
the Western world's fate in
Russia at the Horn
Employing the greatest airlift in
military history, the Soviets and
thousands of their "Marxist Gur–
khas"- the Cubans-have now es–
tablished a firm foothold in
Ethiopia. Moscow's massive support
earlier this year enabled the Ethio-
, pians to beat back a challenge from
archrival Somalia
the struggle for
control of the Ethiopian-held but
Somali-populated Ogaden Desert.
Ironically enough, only a few
months ago Somalia was Russia's
foothold in the strategic Horn of Af–
rica. But Moscow callously switched
sides when Ethiopia's interna! revo–
lution produced a tailor-made
Marxist stablcmate in Colonel Men–
gistu Haile Mariam.
was obvious to the Kremlin
that Ethiopia provided a much
greater sphere of influence. Besides,
with the Ogaden War concluded,
the Russians just might decide to
teach the Somalis a Iesson for origi–
nally throwing out their Soviet ad–
visers. A Red-led coup against the
country's present Western-leaning
government could result in the
Kremlin having two "Horn" foot–
holds for the price of one.
The strategic importance of Af-
PLAIN TRUTH June/July 1978