Page 3977 - 1970S

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very decade sees a change in
its youth. A decade ago we
were alarmed by youth in re–
volt - campus riots. protest marches,
resentment against the "Estab–
lishment," the hippie movcmcnt,
the advent of widespread use of
Much of the revolt is now gone.
But what of today? What has this
decade of the '70s broughl us?
Today teenage su icides are a t an
all-lime HIGH! So a re violent teen–
age crime. drug abuse. alcoholism.
pregnancy and vandalism!
As Abraham Lincoln Saw lt
More than a hundred years ago
Abraham Lincoln made a speech
aboul this situation. It's as old as
Caín and Abe!. he said. He used thc
term "old fogy" to describe lhe leen–
agcr's conception of his parents and
adult ociety. "The first old fogics,"
he said, "were Adam and Eve."
All of us past 21 have lived
through that stage of life. 1 rcmem–
ber that. from age 18 to 20. 1 fe lt
very sorry for my father. As a littlc
Herbert W. Armstrong
But how-and why? Why
should we be con cerned?
What will the adults and lead–
ers of tomorrow be like? Here
is the truth almos t nobody
was taught to call him " Papa,"
and my mother " Mama ." But when
reached my teens, my father be–
carne " Dad." 1 had to be like the
other kids. Didn't you? By 18 1 knew
so much more than my father that.
as 1said. l felt sorry for him.
When 1 was 20, Dad moved
West Coast (1 was born and reared
in Iowa). and my mother and
younger brothers and sister soon
followed him. 1 didn ' t see my father
aga in for 12 years- until 1 was 32.
And what a surprise it was to see
him: He had "grown up" and
learned so much in those 12 years
that by then he knew more than I
But if the youth don'l yet under–
stand the adult generation. neither
do the adults- especially the psy–
chologists, educators, and writers
who write about the youth in books,
magazines, and newspapers- under–
stand our youth, or why they are as
they a re!
These adu lts a re ignorant of the
way God designed the human mind .
The Makeup of the Human Mind
Engraved in stone over one en–
trance lo Ambassador Hall on the
Ambassador College campus (the
principal building in the Loma D.
Armstrong Academic Center) are
these words:
"The Word of God is
the foundation ofknowledge."
Years of diligent research and
study of many sources have brought
me proof that that statement is true.
True and basic knowledge comes
only by revelation. But today educa–
tion and science reject revelation as
even one possible source of knowl–
edge. Thal is the reason for man's
troubles in this world today.
To come to know
the experts
cannot understand the real reasons
behind the behavior of our youth
Photo reprinted by permiss1on of Chlcago Da11y News-Perry