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Personal from...
Education for Life!
s aman truly educated unless he knows
he IS?
An.d unless he knows
he is, whether there is any
purpose or meaning to life, and what that is? And
unless he knows where he is going in the end? And
unless he knows the true values from the false and the
way to such desired conditions as peace, happiness,
prosperity, and the enjoyable, pleasant, and interesting
Right now many high school seniors are facing the
problem of whether to go on to college- and if so, which
were a young man or young woman facing that
quest ion.l'm very sure- knowing what 1 know now-that
would want to find out which college or university
teaches these things. I'm sure I'd want to attend the
school ofhigher learning which would teach me not
merely how to earn a living- pardon me,
mean an
existence- but the one which would teach me how to live!
Did you ever wonder why it is that nearly everybody
wants to live alife that is pleasing, enjoyable,
interesting- without boredom, aches, pains, suffering, or
unpleasant environments or circumstances? Nearly
everyone experiences a hunger for something that will
really satisfy; yet. somehow, he never finds
at brief intervals that never seem to last.
When this Work ofGod was only severa! years under
way, in Oregon, and 1was, most of the time, preaching in
evangelistic campaigns about six nights a week.
broadcasting every Sunday, editing and mimeographing
The Plain Truth ,
and counseling with seores of people, 1
found the need of something relaxing- something to get
my mind off these serious matters and this driving
activity for a little while. Mrs. Armstrong and I found a total
change, mentally, in altending occasional basketball
games at the University of Oregon basketball pavilion,
MacArthur Court. At that time the University of Oregon
had a team of sophomores and one senior which looked
like comers.
And sure enough, in their senior year these boys went
on lo win the .first national championship- in late winter
of 1939. That was the first year the NCAA hada national
play-off leading toa national championship.
Even today 1can find an occasional change of pace by
attending a game. There I can see thousands being
thri!led by scintillating play. Are these basketball fans
enjoying üfe? Ifyou ask them, at the moment, the answer
might be
"You bet!,
Are they bored? Not during the
excitement of the game! Do they feel a sort of mental ,
emotional, or spiritual hunger? Not during the thrill of
the game.
But after the game- then what? Why, after the game is
over and the fans have gone home, do they experience a
letdown- until the next game, or the next experience of
sorne pleasure?
I got to wondering. After the game,
don't experience
any letdown.
don't haveto suffer the experience of
emptiness, boredom, or this sort of soul hunger–
whatever it is- until the next exciting entertainment. As a
matter of fact, I find my life interesting, invigorating,
stimulating, satisfying, and abundant
at al/times!
tremendously exciting at times; it is never boring, never
dull, never discontented!
What's the difference?
1 know what the ditference is.
The answer is bound up in the questions 1asked at the
beginning of this
with my readers.
I have learned what
I have learned that man was put on this earth for a
purpose, and l have learned what that purpose is! 1 have
learned how to fulfill it. I have learned what the
values are, and what are the false. And I have learned the
secret of a full, abundant, interesting, enjoyable life! Not
merely during a basketball game or sorne occasional
the time!
I have learned the way to peace of mind, to
invigorating, satisfying, always interesting living. 1 have
learned why I am here, where 1am going, and the way to
get there. I'm on my way there now, and the journey is
more interesting than I can tell you! There's never a
letdown. There used to be-years ago-before I learned
these answers. But not anymore!
Yes, ifl were a young man
(Continued on page 41)