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ls the day of miracles past? Does the living God heal sickness and disease upon
believing prayer today? Th is is the second in a series of articles on the subject of
miracu/ous divine healing.
e come now to tbe bíblica!
on the subject of
healing. And I can best bring
this to the reader by relating my
own personal and unusual experi–
discovering it.
When 1 first carne among those of
the Church of God in 1926-1927,
they still carried the NAME "Churcb
of God." They knew of tbe second
coming of Christ to reign on earth
for a thousand years, though they
knew little, or almost notbing, of
what would actually take place dur–
ing that millennial reign.
Back in 1860, the largest number
of them had split off, coming to the
belief that the millennial reign with
Christ wou1d take place in heaven.
Leaving the truth, they also left the
true name. Although the knowledge
of these simple but sincere people
regarding the Kingdom of God was
very incomplete, they did believe
in keeping the commandments of
God. They bad more biblical truth
than any religious body on
Even though God's Church had
endured through the centuries,
graduaUy much of the original truth
Herbert W. Armstrong
of the gospel apparently had been
los t.
How 1Carne to Thls Knowledge
Subsequent events have shown that
1 was being called by the 1jving
Christ for a very special end-time
commission to raise up the "Phila–
delphia era" of God's Church (Rev.
3:7-13), to restore much lost knowl–
edge (Dan. 12:4), to restore the
great commission (Mark 16: 15), and
to preach (Matt. 24: 14) and publish
(Mark 13 : 10) His true gospel of the
Kingdom of God "in aU the world
for a witness unto all nations" just
before the end of this present world.
We had now reached the final gen–
eration of this age-the generation
during which Christ will return, set–
ting up the Kingdom ofGod.
The shock of my Jife carne when 1
in the Bible,
beginning in the
auturnn of 1926, that what 1 had
heard as "the gospel" was in most
basic respects
the very opposite
the plain and clear teaching of the
real Jesus and of the Bible!
was an almost unbelievable
shock to see in the Bible the proph–
ecy that ALL NATIONS-the world
a whole-would
be deceived today!
lt was a tremendous shock to learn
the full truth about the Ki ngdom of
God and that God had inspired the
apostle Paul to pronounce a double
curse on any who would preach any
other gospel! (Gal. 1:8-9.)
My eyes were opened to the true
gospel described so clearly and un–
mistakably in the Bible-for those
willing to see and believe.
The Calllng
And so, as l have written before,
say with the apostle Paul (para–
phrasing): "I certify you. brethren,
that tbe gospel which is preached by
me is not after
For 1 neither
received it of man, neither was 1
taught it, but by the revelation of
Jesus Christ. . .. But when it pleased
God , who ... called me by His
grace, to reveal His Son and His
gospe1 in me, that I might preach it
among the descendants of the
House of Israel, and the Genti le na–
tions, and kings [Acts 9: 15), immedi–
ately 1 conferred not with flesh and
blood, neither went 1 to any theo–
logícal seminary or source of reli–
gíous teaching of this world, but 1
PLAIN TRUTH August-September 1977