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TUCSON, Arlzona, May 20, 1977:
've had a bad night. Upset stom–
ach- my own fault. eouldn' t sleep
any longer. Thoughts carne rush–
ing through my mind after 1 had a
bad dream which awoke me- thank–
fully. Glad it was only a dream.
1 got back to sleep. But only for
an hour or two. This time 1 was
awakened with another bad dream.
tried to get back to sleep, but my
mind was working and 1 could not
get drowsy or sleepy. 1 was thinking
about the cause of my bad night
and upset stomach. Always there is
Mrs. Armstrong and 1 had re–
turned to Tucson last Monday eve–
ning after graduation exercises at
Pasadena and a meeting at my
home with Gloria Swanson, the
original glamour girl of the movies–
now 78 and a great-grandmother of
two. (She's ahead of me- 1 have my
first great-grandchild now on the
way.) Miss Swanson was hosting a
health Juncheon on Thursday (yes–
terday) afternoon at the Student
eenter of Ambassador eollege in
Pasadena, and lecturing afterwards.
1 very much wanted to be there,
but was unable to return from here.
The Raders had telephoned to
say they were coming from Pasa–
dena yes terday afternoon and sug–
gested we have dinner together at
one of the restaurants here. At this
dinner, 1 ordered what 1 do NOT
recommend you do (1 do usually try
to set a good example): smoked
salmon fo llowed by beef stroganoff.
Like the little books swallowed by
Ezekiel (3: 1-3) and the apostle John
(Rev. 10: 10) in their visions, it
tasted delicious in my mouth, but in
my stomach gave me a very bad
Lying in bed, trying to get back to
sleep, my mind wandered to Stanley
Rader. He is somewhere near th e
age of my son, Garner Ted-ap–
proaching fifty. He is in the very
PRIME of life, when a man's value in
his profession or business is at its
peak. Mr. Rader has been first a
e .P.A.-Certified Public Accoun–
tant- then a lawyer and professor of
law at the Universi ty of Southern
California. In fact, he graduated
from law school atl use with the
highest grades in its history, and 1
understand both Harvard and Ya1e
PLAIN TRUTH August-September 1977
Personal from ...
ABad Night's Sleep
Resulted in This Personal
(First Bad Night In Months!)
sought his services as professor of
law. However, he preferred to give
all bis time and talents to " the
Work," as we call it a t Ambassador
eollege and in the Worldwide
ehurch ofGod.
We think it signi ficant that Mr.
and Mrs. Rader's elder daughter,
Janis, has graduated from the use
law school, has her Jaw degree, and
is now ready to pass the bar exam–
inations and become a practicing a t–
torney. Their son Stephen has just
"sat" for the eertified Public Ac–
countant exam, having finished his
training as a C.P.A., and should im–
mediately be able to start active
practice (and, 1 will add, is in a mal–
ter of days marrying a very charm–
ing young woman, whom I know
We thought this significant since
my son Garner Ted also
father's footsteps.
Mr. Rader's talents, brilliant abil–
ities, and experience have been in
fi elds than mine.
He is experienced in politics, gov–
ernment, world conditions, etc.- and
brilliantly and expertly so. I started
in advertising and journalism in
newspapers and magazines- until
age 35, when God called me, con–
verted me, completely CHANGED my
life, called me into His ministry, and
in July 1933 conferred on me the
staggering responsibility of THE
world ehrist's TRUE gospel- the
soon-coming KJNGDOM OF Goo to
The amazing, AWESOME humán
potential revealed by this true mes–
sage also CHANGED the life of
Stanley Rader, and brought us to–
gether. 1 baptized him in March
1975. Since the NEW phase of the
Work was opened to usa few years
ago-the "OPEN-DOOR" phase in
which the living ehrist is opening
the doors to kings, emperors, presi–
dents, prime ministers and others
high in govemment, education,
nance, business and industry-Mr.
Rader has traveled the world with
me, speaks with me before au–
diences, and is always with me in
personal meetings with these heads
We complement each other. Our
(Continued on page 45)