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shall not vex Ephraim" (verses 7-
Now continue in Isaiah. chapter
12. Note the GOOD NEWS Coming!
"And in that day thou shalt say, O
ETERNAL. 1 will praise thee: though
thou wast angry with me, thine
anger is turned away, and thou
comfortedst me. Behold, God is my
salvation; 1 will trust, and not be
afraid: for the LORD ETERNAL is my
strength and my song; he also is
become my salvation. Therefore
WJTH JOY shall ye draw water out of
the wells of salvation" (verses 1-3).
That is the time God will set out to
"save" the world spiritually- sa lva–
tion with eternallife !
Continue in verses 4-6: ' 'And in
that day shall ye say, Praisc the
ETERNAL, call upon his namc, de–
clare his doings among the people.
make mention that his name is ex–
alted. StNG unto the ETERNAL; for
he hath done exceUent things: this is
known in all the earth. Cry out and
SHOUT, thou inhabitant of Zion: for
great is the Holy One of Israel in thc
midst of thee."
In l saiah 14, speaking of an evil
human type of Satan at a time in
the very near future: " He who
smote the people in wrath with a
continua! stroke, he that ruled the
nations in anger, is persecuted. and
none hindereth. THE WHOLE EARTH
forth into singing. Yea, the fir trees
rejoice at thee, and the cedars of
Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid
down, no feller is come up against
us" (verses
Just one more glimpse into the
wonderful WORLD TOMORROW, at its
very beginning. At His coming as
KtNG of kings to rule. Christ's "feet
shall stand in that day upon the
mount ofOiives" (Zech. 14:4).
"And it shall be in that day, that
living waters [the Holy Spirit) shall
go out from Jerusa lem .... And the
ETERNAL shall be king over all the
earth: in that day shall there be one
LORD, and his name one.... And
men shall dwell in it [Jerusalem],
and there shall be no more utter
destruction ; but Jerusalem shall be
safely inhabited" (verses
11 ).
Today we live in the most ter–
rifying time of human history. l t will
get WORSE. Then God will step in.
Then PEACE shall come! O
Many hundreds have written
asking if we have representalives
in thetr local areas to counsel
with them personally and to an–
swer thetr questions.
The answer tS yes. we do.
The Worldwtde Church of God
stations personal representatives
(most are ordained ministers) in
the United States and many
other areas of the world These
local ministers will vrsit you, if
invited, drrectly in your own
So if you have sptritual matters
to discuss or questtons to ask
about bibltcal toptcs such as re–
pentance, baptism, etc , please
feel free to wnte to us and
request a prívate appomtment.
Worldwide mailing addresses are
as follows:
• United States: P.O. Box 111 .
Pasadena, California 91123
(Or simply dial this toll-free
the continental
U.S.: 1-800-423-4444. Read–
ers in Californta, Alaska and
Hawatí may call 213-577-5225
• United Kingdom, Europe, India
and Africa: P.O. Box 111 , St.
Albans, Herts., England (Or
dial this number in U.K.: Rad–
lett [092 76] 2670.)
• New Zealand and Pacific lsles:
P.O. Box 2709. Auckland 1.
New Zealand (Or dtal Auck–
land 686-114-reverse the
• Australia: PO. Box 202, Bur–
leigh Heads. Queensland 4220
(Or dial this number: 075-35-
4233-reverse the charges.)
• Ganada: P.O. Box 44, Station
A, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2M2
• South Africa: P.O. Box 1060.
Johannesburg 2000 (Or dial
this number: 011-216406.)
Those residtng in other areas
of the world should see the tnstde
front cover for the address of our
office nearest them.
(Continued from page 13)
"mushroom cult" toa charlatan and
a fraud, the sol id evidence of history
Jesus Christ of Nazareth
walked out of His tomb; that He is
alive today; that He is directly inter–
vening from time to time in human
atfairs; that He is on a "countdown"
from heaven; that time is drawing
very near for His
reLUrn lo
will finally be FORCED
lo believe!
Neil Arrnstrong said that he was
taking a giant step for mankind
when he walked on the surface of
the moon. Yet Jesus took a bigger
step when he walked righl through
that solid rock tomb.
You, too, can step out of your
grave in an instant of time when the
heavens are renl al the return of
Jesus Christ. You can also take your
walk inlo eternity.
Ifyou're interested, write immcdi–
ately for our free booklet
Death- Then What?
It could be the
biggest step ofyour life!
(To Be Continued)