Page 3584 - 1970S

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before the END of today's civ–
ilization, built by a Satan-guided
Man has formed his OWN kind of
governments and sought to GOVERN
HIMSELF, rejecting Goo's RULE over
him. To"day we are in world trouble
greater than ever before in human
history. Governments of men are
being overthrown at the rate of one
a month. Crime has never been so
great. Marriage and family life are
falling apart. Sickness and disease
and mental illness have reached the
highest point in humanity's history.
And weapons of mass destruction
have been developed in the past 40
years that can erase all human life
from the earth!
Now notice in furlher prophecies
what Goo said in giving HOPE
a ncient lsrael- and it applies to us
today: "Go and proclaim lhese
words toward the north , and say,
Ret urn . thou backsliding IsraeL
saith lhe ETERNAL; and
will not
cause mine anger
fall upon you:
for I am merciful, saith the ETER–
NAL, and I will not keep anger for
ever. Onty acknowledge thine in–
iqu ity, that thou hast transgressed
against the ETERNAL thy God, and
hast scattered thy ways to the
strangers under every green tree,
and ye have not obeyed my voice,
saith the ETERNAL. Turn, O back–
sliding children. saith tbe ErERNAL;
for I am married unto you: and
will take you one of a city, and two
of a family, and
will bring you to
Zion [this is a prophecy for OUR
TIME, after the U.S., Britain, etc.
have gone into a yet future-soon–
to-occur- captivity): And I will give
you pastors according to mine heart ,
which shall feed you with knowl–
edge and understanding.... At that
time they shall call Jerusalem the
the NATIONS shall be gathered unto
it. to the name of the ETERNAL, to
Jerusalem: neilher shall they walk
any more after the imagination of
their evil heart [attitude of GET). In
those days the house of JuDAH [the
Jewish people] shall walk with the
house of Israel [the U.S. , Britain,
Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
South Africa. Western European
nations], and they shall come to–
gether out of the land of the north
to the land that
have given for an
inheritance unto your fathers" (Jer.
3:12-15, 17-18).
God has a tremendous PURPOSE
He is fulfilling. For almost 6,000
years now. He has demonstrated, by
keeping hands off except in a few
instances necessary for His purpose,
that humanity, REJECTING God's
rule and ÜOD'S GOVERNMENT and
forming its OWN governments under
the sway of the invisible and unreal–
ERNING !TSELF; that living by the
self-centered GET way is NOT good
for us and brings only unhappiness,
failure, suffering. frustration, de–
st ruction and DEATH. Now God is
about to PROVE, by 1.000 years of
HlS RULE under the GIVE philosophy
of !ove, that it is the ONLY way to
universal PEACE, happiness, success,
DESfRABLE accomplishment, well–
being and joyfulness.
There is a REASON for today's tra–
gic worldwide EVILS. There is a
CAUSE for every effect. That is the
lesson the Creator God is teaching
by 6,000 years of actual EXPERlENCE.
And through the lessons mankind
is learning by experiencing cause
and effect, God is DEVELOPING per–
fect, holy and righteous CHARACTER
in human beings-REPRODUCING
HIMSELF-making us His own very
CHILDREN, final!y tO be BORN into
the Goo FAMILY!
Notice a little of the GOOD NEWS
of the world that will start in THIS
VERY GENERATlON: "And there shall
come forth a rod out of the stem of
Jesse ...." Jesse was the human
father of King David of Judah.
David was the "stem" that carne out
of Jesse. Jesus Christ was a descen–
dant of David, and therefore is the
"Roo' ' of this prophecy. In other
words, "CHRIST shall come forth."
Continuing, " ... and a Branch shall
.grow out of his roots." The "roots"
of Jesse is Goo, and the "BRANCH"
that grew out of His roots, therefore,
also is ÜIRIST (Jsa.
Now con–
verses 2-5: "And the spirit
of the ETERNAL shall rest upon him
[Christ], the spirit of wisdom and
understanding, the spirit of counsel
and might, the spirit of knowledge
and of the fear of the ETERNAL; and
shall make him of quick under–
standing in the fear of the ETERNAL:
and he shall not judge after the sight
of his eyes, neither reprove after the
hearing of his ears: But with righ–
teousness shall he judge the poor.
and reprove with equity for the
meek of the earth: and he shall
smite the earth with the rod of his
mouth, and with the breath of his
lips shall he slay the wicked. And
righteousness shall be the girdle of
his loins, and faithfulness the girdle
of his reins."
This is speaking of CHRIST as
WORLD. restoring the GOVERNMENT
OF Goo to earth-yet in THrs
is speaking
of the seventh millennium since
Adam. following the EVIL 6.000
years to END in our present genera–
Truly, we are in the very end
Now continue the prophecy. de–
scribing the thousand years sooN to
start: "The wolf also shall dwell
with the lamb, and the leopard shall
líe down with the kid; and the calf
and the young !ion and the fatling
together; and a little child shall lead
them" (verse 6). What a picture of
PEACE and contentment-wild ani–
mals tamed!
Continue: "And the cow and the
bear shall feed; their young ones
shalllie down together: and the !ion
shall eat straw [hay] like the ox. And
the sucking child shall play on the
hole of the asp [a small African
cobra], and the weaned child shall
put his hand on the cockatrice' [ser–
pent's] den. They shall not hurt nor
destroy in all my holy mountain: for
the earth shall be full of the knowl–
edge of the ETERNAL ..." How
FULL? " .. . as the waters cóver the
sea. And in that day there shall be a
root of Jesse [Christ}, which shall
stand for an ensign of the people; to
it [Christ] shall the Gentiles seek:
and his rest shall be glorious. And it
shall come to pass in that day, that
the ETERNAL shall set hís hand
again the second time to recover the
remnant of his people .... And he
shall set up an ensign . for the na–
shall assemble the out–
casts of Israel, and gather together
the dispersed of Judah [the Jews}
from the four corners of the earth.
The envy also of Ephraim [Britain]
shall depart, and the adversaries of
Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim
sha ll not envy Judah, and Judah