Page 3572 - 1970S

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on my job in 1970 and was out of work
for a year and a half. Well, to makc a
long story short, while on disability
(benefits of only $87.50 per week) we
started a small business which we never
thought much would ever come of. Af–
ter about six months of tithing, one of
our suppliers, from whom we were only
purchasing maybe $2500 per year,
trusted us with over $ 135,000 of mer–
chandise on an open-account basis to
sell and pay back at only S percent in–
terest. a ra te unheard of. This led to
more and more in tithes and olferings
until in 1976 we h ave given over
the Church. My wife and 1
are dedicating our lives and financia!
resources to the Work in this last-ditch
elfort, and hope we can expand our
business and give a contribution of
$100,000 to the Work in 1977. We wi ll
help get the broadcast on the air more.
and more
in more loca–
tions. 1 am not praying to God just to
gain, but each and every
member's business, so we can all con–
tribute more. We are praying tha t we
can keep our goal in mind and not Jet
the increased amount of money "go to
our heads."
Name withheld,
Promotlon Comes from God
Last June 1 decided to go out into the
"big world of business" as a nurse's
aide. My children were all in school ,
and 1 wanted to do something "big"! 1
got a job at a nursing borne working
part time. In December the owner
sta ted he was looking his employees
over, as he had room for a promotion
for one person. 1 discussed it with God
and applied for the promotion. Wonder
of wonders, the owners chose me- gave
me the promotíon, and a raise-and af–
ter three months l'm to receive another
raise after "proving" myself. I'm in
charge of this new program-have one
employee under me and will have an–
other soon. 1 had beco working the 3-to-
11 shift- now 1 work 8 to 4 Monday
through Friday. Great, huh? You see, in
my discussion with God 1 gently " re–
minded" Him of the tithes and olferings
He's prompted me to give back- and
now 1 needed Him to help me get that
promot.ion over women who had worked
the re for years. He listened, and acted
fast. By the way, a t the year's end the
owners of the home gave out bonuses.
Employees that had worked there'for 10
or 15 years received S15 or $25- 1 re–
ceived $50 and had only worked there
since June. Talk about God being on
His cbildren's side! He's the greatest!
Name withheld,
Money lnherlted
Back in the '40s we were sending
money to various organizations who
were on radio at the time.
was about
th is time that we had started to hear
Mr. Armstrong, and decided we would
send the money to him instead. This
was before we were associated with the
Church. But we were blessed for tith–
ing and giving even then. After we
were baptized, we started giving more
and made severa! loans to the Work, as
we had a little money saved. So we
were blessed even more. Then after a
few years we decided to cancel the
loan and Je t the Church have the
money. Well , it was not long after this
that we received money from an estate.
The more we gave the more we were
Name withheld.
!f you would like to know more
about the blessings of giving, please
request our brand-new book!et en–
Your Best lnvestment.
free publication also contains a
study of the subject oftithing. To
obtain your copy, please use the
coupon on back cover.
(Continued from page 27)
does our Father have in mind to
keep us
joyfully, eternally pro–
ductive? And if God is eventually
going to save the great majority of
mankind anyway, wby bother about
Moses knew the answers to these
Read them in
the next issue!
To Be Continued)
Severa! of our booklets provide the
needed background lo enable you lo
better comprehend
series of arti–
cles. Please write for the following liter–
Why Were You Born?, Just What
Do You Mean-Born Agaín?, After
Death- Then What?, What
the Re–
ward ot the Saved?.
"ls Th is the Only
Day of Salvation?" "Who Was Jesus?"
and " When a Man From Space Visited
Earth. " All of these publications are
provided free of charge by the mem–
bership of the Worldwide Church of
God, as well as by our co-workers and
(Continued f rom page JO)
I have to WONDER
how many
fessing Christians have actually ex–
perienced the receiving of G od's gift
of the Holy Spirit? How MANY, be–
cause of Satan's deceptive, er–
roneous teachings, have only seen
enough of the truth to say:
th is TRUTH.
TEOUS- that
waot the truth, so
join this ch urch." Yes, HOW MANY?
H ow many have accepted the
truth- or what they suppose to be
the t ruth-in tbeir own rigbteous–
ness? They have no t as ye t even
repented; never MADE THE
FIRST INITIAL START of the first ex–
perience ofconversion.
BegeHal of the Holy Spirit
But back to our comparison o r anal–
ogy of human begettal and devel–
opment and birth. In the human
mother, a life starts as merely a n
embryo, as small
a tiny pin point.
Most truly converted Christians
Start COmparativeJy SMALL SPIRITU–
ALLY. But the embryo, nourished on
physica l food from the mo ther, de–
velops a nd grows, a nd after three
months develops into a fetus. A
spinal cord has developed, a head ,
a rms a nd legs. G rad ually o ther
parts of the physical body develop.
After nine months a new huma n is
ready for birth-delivery from the
mother's womb.
So once we are IMPREGNATED–
given immortal life- given Goo–
life- by the receiving of the Ho t v
SPIRIT from the very body and per–
son of God, we are begotten sons of
God, nourished on spiritua l food
through the mother of us all- the
true CHURCH (Gal. 4:26 ; H eb.
12:22-23), until BORN by a resurrec–
tion as Jesus was (Rom. 1:4). We
shall then be
of spirit. But
we must have GROWN in this li fe to
a point where, once BORN of God,
we CANNOT sin (I John 3 :9).
Yes, you see God is REPRODUC–
ING HIMSELF. We can become AS HE
rs ! But it requires a BEGETIAL (the
experience of receiving the Ho ly
Spirit), a period of spi ritual gesta–
tion, and a final BIRTH, when we
shall BE Spirit (J ohn 3:6 ; Phi!.
3:2 1).