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Garner Ted Armstrong
The Coming Era of Superweapons
hen people talk about the
potential for
mass annihila–
they're usually think–
ing about the specter of all-out
nuclear war - a nuclear Armaged–
don which would obliterate man–
kind from the
of the earth.
Many do not realize, however,
that nuclear weapons are only a
part of man's growing mass annihi–
lation arsenal. Not satisfied with
" mere" atomic and hydrogen
bombs, science is about to
bequeath to mankind a whole new
generation Of
Severa ! mont hs ago , Sov iet
leader Leonid Brezhnev warned
that the level of modern technology
is now such that , in his words , "a
serious danger arises of the cre–
ation of a weapon even more awe–
some than the nuclear one."
While there has been consid–
erable speculation about exactly
what weapon Mr. Brezhnev had in
mind , former U.S. Deputy Defense
Sec retary Will iam P. Clements
warns that "the Soviet Union is in–
vesting heavily in severa! highly
speculative technologies wh ich
could have a major impact on fu–
ture warfare."
U.S. researchers, consequently,
are push ing ahead in similar direc–
Among the " superweapons" cur–
rent ly being talked about, worked
on , or, in sorne cases, already in
existence, are:
"Advanced" nuclear weapons.
Scientists are speculating about the
possibi li ty of nuclear weapons
made from materials heq.vier than
uranium, and therefore more pow–
erful. Also, a scientist at a British
"think tank" has proposed the de–
velopment of a portable hydrogen
" mini-bomb" the size of a large
softball, which would have almost
no fallout.
Neutron bombs.
Unlike nuclear
bombs, a neutron bomb would kil i
people by means of a stream of
deadly radiation, but leave ma–
chines and buildings undamaged.
Sound rays.
advancements in sound pulsation
have demonstrated that humans
can be totally disoriented by in–
audible infra-sound. The military
applications of sound rays could
therefore become a novel method
of human destruction.
Chemical fireballs.
A new genera–
tion of incendiary weapons is being
developed which produces "chem–
ical holocausts," radiating intense
thermal energy second only to that
of an atomic bomb.
Mi l itary research in–
stitutions in both the East and West
are in keen competition to apply the
laser to military uses. The Buck
Rogers "ray gun, " concentrating
unbelievable amounts of energy
into a narrow death ray , is no
longer science fiction.
A recent news headl ine made the
startling announcement, "Russians
Use Laser to Knock Out U.S. Satel–
lites." According to severa! national
magazines, one American satellite
was destroyed and another
" blinded" by powerful Soviet laser
beams within the past year. The
Pentagon has neither confirmed
nor denied the reports.
Whether this alarming account is
true or not, there is no question that
an intense race is underway be–
tween the United States and the So–
viet Union to be the first with
operational killer laser beams.
Weather wartare and earthquake
The abil ity to unleash
hurricanes and tornadoes (or sear–
ing droughts) against one's enemy,
or to touch off killer earthquakes in
strategic cities, would be a powerful
weapon in wartime. These new ave–
nues of warfare have not escaped
the probing analysis of the Arma–
geddon-makers of the world.
Chemical and biological weap–
Just one cannister
sorne of
the new high-potency nerve gases
is estimated to be capable of an–
nihilating sorne one bill ion people
- a quarter of all mankind ! Q fever ,
a biological agent, is so deadly that
less than ten ounces, if properly
dispersed, could kil i all of humanity!
Despite the biological and chem–
ical weapons pacts on the books,
there is no reliable verification of
compliance against their devel–
opment and production, nor any
safeguards against their use. As
one military analyst said: " lmple–
mentation of the pacts wil l be un–
until the next war. "
then, of course, it's too late.
Other even more mind-boggling
weapons of mass destruction are
now in the thinking stages in re–
search plants around the world
-including bombs based on sub–
atomic particles and antimatter.
What does it al l mean? Where is
humanity heading? Wil l these hor–
rifying weapons ever be
Mankind's Armageddon
- but
world peace
wil l not be far
behind. You can
what líes
ahead , laid bare in the pages of
Bible prophecy.
lf you want to know what líes
beyond the seemingly bleak future,
write for our new free booklet
Red Horse: War,
the second of the
prophesied " tour horsemen of the
Apocalypse" soon to be unleashed
against the world.
PLAIN TRUTH March 1977