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camp of Marxist re-educators; ldi Amín
goes along his lunatic path with a mad–
man's contempt lor the wor ld at
large .. . and so it goes on in blackest
Africa, and beyond in countries ol
Afro-Asian-Communist persecution
and oppression.
But South Alrica alone stands in the
Talk about double standards and
double dealing!
In the sightless eyes of the U.N. , only
the recognized governments ol the
MPLA and SWAPO - the organizations
which are responsible for the mas–
sacre. pillage and rape which are driv–
ing hordes ol terrilied Angolans to seek
sanctuary - are entitled to negotiate
with the U.N. for refugee aid (in north–
ern South West Alrica] .
So on the basis ol this absurd techni–
cal ity the whole relugee problem in
South West Alrica is being left in the
lap ol Sot:Jth Alrica.. . . The pawns ol
the game are the helpless thousands
who have escaped lrom the horrors of
their MPLA and Cuban tormentors and
now seek only help and compassion.
Where, then, are the voices ot the
so-called humanitarian countries?
The United Nations appears to have
more pressing matters to consider .
There is, for instance, the vexed prob–
lem ol 119 Soweto students who have
fled "police persecuti on" in South. Al–
rica and are seeking pol itical asylum in
Swazi land - while distraught parents
plead with them to return.
is to this
unlikely scenario that the southern Afri–
can representat ive of the United Na–
tions High Commission for Refugees
has turned his attention... .
lt might be tunny if it were not so
" The world is going mad, " says Mr.
Andrew Kloppers, leader of the co–
loured delegation (in South West Al–
rica] , who with a party ol others has
just visited the Angolan refugees. And
with reason . The relugees are there
having escaped from a scorched earth
blitz by MPLA, SWAPO (in U.N. and
OAU eyes the " only true authentic
voice ol al l the South West African
people" ) and Cubans against Unita
torces and supporters in southern An–
gola. That they have sought sanctuary
in South West Africa is c learly incon–
venient for the international community
and U.N. in particular. To them, that
relugees should actually want to go
there to escape terror at home is un–
thinkable. ...
PLAIN TRUTH March 1977
Here is U.N. duplicity at its worst.
South Africa's response to the need
highlights this shame.
EVENING POST, Port Elizabeth:
South Africans have become ex–
ceedingly frustrated over the years
with United Nations inconsistencies.
We are under constan! attack by the
world body - sometimes justifiably and
sometimes unjustifiably. But the height
ot hypocrisy has been reached with the
U.N.'s refusal to assist the thousands
of Angolan refugees who are pouring
across the border into South West Al–
rica to escape MPLA and Cuban
troops, who are murdering all they
come across as retribution for the
Unita movement.
The thousands of refugees ... have
been rendered homeless and are in a
desperate plight. Many of the chi ldren
are orphans.
is an ideal opportunity
tor the U.N. to show it is genuinely
concerned about the hardships suf–
tered by people on the sub-continent.
Yet the only reaction trom New York
has been a stoney silence.
lt is ironic -andan indictment of the
United Nations - that it recognises the
independence ol the strife-torn Angola
but is putting every obstacle in the way
of a peaceful transition to indepen–
dence in South West Africa. In Angola
a minority government, bolstered by
Cuban and Russian torces, is terroris–
ing its people. There has been no U. N.
The mess in Angola has the U.N.'s
blessing. South West Africa hasn' t. Yet
South West Africa, for the second time
in a year, is providing a sanctuary for
people whom the U.N. hails as free.
DIE BURGER, Cape Town:
There are reports of refugees being
ruthlessly shot and of scorched earth
tactics [ in southern Angola]: Villages
being razed, crops burned and animals
slaughtered. At the U.N. not an eye–
brow has been raised, but cliques call–
ing themselves friends of Africa are
rejoicing over resolutions against
South Africa. ..
In Luanda [Angola's capital] it has
been acknowledged that the civi lian
population is in chaos and the coun–
try 's economy demolished. But at the
U.N. there are pleas for violence and
sanctions against South Africa. One
day Africa will realise what a disservice
it has done itself by not li fting a finger
against a Communist intruder that has
come here with selfish motives to
trample down black nations.
U.N. Doomed From the Beginning
Ever since the very beginning of the
United Nations over 30 years ago,
the editor-in-chief of this magazine,
Herbert W. Armstrong - who was
on hand for the U.N.'s inaugural
session in San Francisco in the
spring of 1945 - has said repeatedly
with dogmatic insistence the U.N.
could not succeed. that it was des–
tined to be wrecked on the shoals of
power politics and. as he said, "the
savage battle for national interests."
Mr. Armstrong wrote, on April
29, 1945 while attending the 1945
meeting: "Aiready
see the clouds
of World War
gathering at this
conference. 1 saw it first as it was
injected indirectly into every press
conference. We learn of it in prívate
talks with delegates in hotel 1obbies.
The nations can hove peace-
want it. But they don't want it. They
want gain at the expense ofothers."
The dis-United Nations has failed
to bring world peace and now
helping to foment world war!
But it is
not only the U.N. which has turned
full circle. All humanity has - in a
4,000-year cycle. The Bible records
that the earth was "filled with vio–
lence" in the days of Noah (Gen.
6: 13). God's wrath against human–
ity's wicked ways brought about
universal destruction.
That same book foretold long ago
that conditions would get this bad
once again just before the return of
Christ to at last establish His world–
ruling Kingdom of peace. Notice
Matthew 24:37: " But as the days of
Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the
coming of the Son of man be."
Our age of anarchy - multiplied
in intensity through awesome means
of destruction unheard of in the
days before the Flood - will soon
be over. But not before man writes
the final terrible chapter of living
apart from the laws and government
In the article " Jusi What Do You Mean:
Born Again?" (February issue), the first
sentence should have read: " Why did
the Pharisee, Nicodemus, under–
stand when Jesus said to him: 'Except
a man be born again, he cannot see
the kingdom of God'?" The word " not"
was inadvertently lelt out.