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One Cartoonist'sViewof the U.N.
be out of the country within a year)
and SWAPO units (militant "Nam–
ibian" outfits encamped in Angola),
is pushing hard in the southern re–
gions of Angola to wipe out the re–
maining forces of
one of the
three organizations which vied for
control of Angola in 1975. The gov–
ernment forces are engaged in a
devastating, all-out, scorched-earth
As a result of the fighting, thou–
sands of hapless, helpless refugees
have been streaming out of Angola
into northern Soutb West Africa.
However. in the eyes of the U.N. ,
the refugees - perhaps 50.000 by
now - are
seeking refuge in the
"wrong country"!
And who is taking care of these
poor souls? The South African
army, backed up by volunteer emer–
gency supplies sent in by the South
African Red Cross.
The South African government in
Pretoria has appealed
five times
the U.N. High Commission for Ref–
ugees to step in and assume its re–
sponsibility for this international
calamity. The response from New
York has been a cold silence to each
plea. (Only those fteeing to Zambia
have received U.N. a id.)
The dilemma faced by the U.N. is
this: for the "world body" to re–
spond to South Africa's pleas about
the Angolan refugees would commit
it to recognizing Pretoria's authority
in South West Africa - instead of
the SWAPO rebels who are part of
the problem, but have been chris–
tened by the U.N. as the political
heir-apparents to the territory! The
quibbling takes absolutely no ac–
count of the mounting human toll
and the fact that tbe suffering is
being alleviated by South Africa.
Meanwhile, to add insult to in–
jury. the southern African represen–
tative of the U.N. High Commission
for Refugees
been busy of late
- banding out picnic baskets in
Swaziland to 119 runaway Soweto
students who have fted South Africa
in the aftermath of the uprisings
they helped instigate there.
apparently is a "refugee
problem" that demands urgent at–
Only one word describes the U.N.
today- SICK!
Why aren't these stories being
given more publicity worldwide? It's
not that the facts are not available,
that's for certain! Look at what the
editors of sorne of the leading news–
papers in South Africa - and that
country has a free press, unlike most
of the rest of the contin'ent - are
DIE VADERLAND, Johannesburg:
The United Nations was founded
about 30 years ago with lofty ideals
that it would be an organization to
guard peace in the world . Unfortu–
nately it has lost its way.
lts double standards and con–
travention of its own charter and aims
have never been revealed as clearly as
during the past week. In the General
Assembly, resolutions have been
passed which
/ega/ize terrorism
and outside South Africa.
tant incitement to revolution
against a
country where basically stability, peace
and order prevail.
According to all signs, a bloody civil
war is raging in Angola. And thousands
of Angolan refugees are streaming
over the border to South West Africa,
under jurisdiction of the condemned
South Africa.
This, however, the U.N. approves of
- as indicated by its silence . In fact,
earlier requests by South Africa for ref–
ugee aid were refused by the U.N. .. .
This is shocking evidence of how lar
the Third World, the Communists and
their allies are prepared to go for the
sake of their own political and ideologi–
cal aims.
OOSTERLIG, Port Elizabeth:
Among the eleven resolutions against
South Africa passed by the General
Assembly of the United Nations are
sorne which could hold far-reaching
consequences for South Africa.
Two in particular are so grave that
they may be interpreted as
open dec/a–
rations of war by the majority of the
members of the General Assembly.
These are first the allegation that the
government of South Africa is ille–
gal. . .. second, the identification of
the majority in the U.N. with the aims of
the PAC and ANC, to
break and over–
throw the government by any possible
means, using every possible method.
Although individual representatives
have in the past made similar allega–
tions, it is the first time that the General
Assembly has declared the govern–
ment of a member state illegal, and that
terror and even open warfare against a
member state is condoned in advance.
This amounts to a
blank cheque for
everyone who aíms at startíng a reign
of terror in South Afríca.
THE CITIZEN, Johannesburg:
Amazing, isn't it?
Some of the crummiest countries on
earth, without freedom of any kind.
guilty of racial and religious per–
secution, some of them practising gen–
ocide. all of them deserving of the
condemnation of world opinion for their
enslavement of peoples. their own and
others, sit in judgment on South Al–
rica ... .
The battle of Angola goes on in all its
bloody anguish; the Mozambique of
Samora Machel is but a concentration
PLAIN TRUTH March 1977