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Human Survival
And except those days should be shortened , there should no flesh be saved ...
Matthew 24:22
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South Dakota farmer Don C/el/and needs rain after one ot the most severe droughts in the state 's
history, and he isn't atraid to advertise to low-flying aircraft. Clelland plowed the message into a stubble fíe/d.
A News Bureau Staff Report
merica, the land of plenty.
breadbasket of the world! For
nearly 200 years American
food stocks have comfortably fed
America's people and for the past
three decades filled much of the
food needs of the increasing number
of food-short ilations.
To Western eyes, food shortages
occur only in lands where gaunt
oxen pull knotty wooden plows
through impoverished soils amid
squalid huts. Famine and hunger
are problems south of the border or
far across the ocean.
But could famines such as re-
cently afflicted Sub-Sahara in Africa
and Bangladesh ever strike in the
prosperous developed nations of
North America and Western Eu–
Record Drought in Breadbasket
In recent months sorne of the worst
droughts on record have hit key
arcas of the world.
Last summcr the worst dry spell
and heat wave in over a hundred
years hit England. northwestem
France. West Germany. northern
ltaly and parts of Belgium. For Brit-
ain the drought was the worst in 250
years. Extra food and animal fodder
had to be imported to make up for
the unprecedented drought.
In the United States. northern
California. the Dakotas and Minne–
sota were especially hard hit by
drought. as were sections of Colo–
rado, Kansas and Nebraska.
Farmers in South Dakota and
Minncsota have sutfered the worst.
Dale D. Gullickson. director of mar–
keting and agricultural development
for the South Dakota Departmcnt
of Agriculture. calls it
"the most seri–
ous drought in South Dakota this
PLAIN TRUTH February 1977